In: Stilla U, Rottensteiner F, Paparoditis N (Eds) CMRT09. IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 3/W4 — Paris, France, 3-4 September, 2009
highest vote for each cluster. We propose to employ a more accu
rate method such as the RANSAC method to model the building
footprint. One advantage of our approach is the following. A
curved facade will be approximated by a single line. In addition
to this, much information deduced by the clustering step allow to
automatically adjust the parameters of the RANSAC algorithm
and to thus improve the precision of the detected lines.
The RANSAC method is commonly used to detect lines among
edge points (Bretar and Roux, 2005) and (Sester and Neidhart,
2008). We use a classic method (Fischler and Bolles, 1981). For
each detected cluster, we use the following process. We use the
original space of parameter (x,y). Two different points belong
ing to the cluster are randomly selected, characterizing a line. A
neighborhood is defined along this line by a minimal distance be
tween a point and the line. This process is iteratively repeated
until the number of inlier points in the neighborhood is maxi
mized. In our approach, the number of facade points is roughly
equal to the number of points for each cluster. Furthermore, the
minimal distance associated with the RANSAC technique can be
determined from the dispersion of the cluster. When this step
is carried out, the best fit lines of 2D points are extracted us
ing the Least Squares Adjustment (LSA technique). A set of 2D
segments giving the building footprint is then obtained from the
detected 2D lines.
The acquired 3D data correspond to the facades of buildings in
the 12th district of the city of Paris. In this study, we use a high
precision 2D laser sensor LMS-Q120i made by RIEGL company
1 . The laser sensor is positioned on the roof of the vehicle. Its
beam plane is perpendicular to the vehicle trajectory. The system
allows us to carry out 10000 measurements per second and the
beam vertically sweeps with an opening of 80 degrees (-20 to 60
degrees with respect to the horizontal). The angular precision of
the beam is equal to 0.01 degrees. More specifically, the precision
of laser-based measurements is approximately 3 cm at 150 m. In
this study, the angular resolution was configured to 201 points by
frame (see figure 7). The ground based laser range transmits laser
pulses with simple echo.
Figure 7: Acquisition of the 3D point cloud using the 2D laser
sensor. The frame shows a selected band without occlusions.
The raw measurements provided by the laser sensor are points
that are parameterized by distance and angle. The reflected in
tensity of the laser is between 0 and 1. The coordinates of the
3D points are expressed in the laser sensor coordinate system and
also in a common coordinate system, namely the ground refer
ence (absolute) Northern, Eastern and Altitude in Lambert 93.
The precision of a 3D point is not easy to evaluate because it
depends on the laser precision and on the referencing system pre
cision. 1
1 Link to RIEGL company:
Figure 8: Two difficult facades for the classical Hough Trans
form: i) a curved facade, and ii) a facade with a low density of
3D points. The detected lines correspond to the local maxima of
the Hough space accumulation using the filtered cloud.
The experiments are carried out on two building facades having
different architecture and different density of acquired 3D points.
One can thus assess the robustness and the efficiency of the pro
posed approach.
Figure 9: Extracting the building footprint lines using the pro
posed approach.
Figures 8 and 9 show the extraction of the building footprint lines
using the classical Hough Transform and our proposed approach,
respectively. The 3D point cloud is presented in the upper part of
the figure. The projection onto the 2D accumulator is presented
in the lower part of the figure. The studied building illustrates two
difficult cases for a classical Hough Transform. Indeed, the left
facade does not suffer from occlusions but it is slightly curved.
On the other hand, the right facade which is a planar structure is
partially occluded, that is, the density of its 3D points in the 2D
accumulator space is much lower than that of the left facade.
Cluster characterizing one building facade
Extraction based on the score maximum in the cluster
Extraction based on a reestimation by the RANSAC method
Figure 10: Comparative schema illustrating the precision of lines
detection step on one simulated facade.