Full text: CMRT09

CMRT09: Object Extraction for 3D City Models, Road Databases and Traffic Monitoring - Concepts, Algorithms, and Evaluation 
Figure 11: The application of the k-means clustering. 
As can be seen, the classical Hough Transform provided many 
2D lines (facade support) corresponding to the many local max 
ima in the Hough counting space. We can observe that both the 
curved facade and the partially occluded facade are modelled by 
several lines. However, by using our proposed approach based 
on k-means clustering, the correct and accurate 2D lines were 
obtained. As explained above, the 2D lines can be given either 
by the centroid of the cluster, its maximum or by the RANSAC 
technique. As can be seen in figure 10, the building footprint ex 
traction will be more precise using the RANSAC method. The 
maximum score method detects the line comprising the maxi 
mum of points, but it is not necessarily the correct 2D line. The 
information provided by the clustering method allows us to re 
fine the estimation of the facade lines by exploiting the number 
of points and the dispersion if the detected cluster (facade) within 
the RANSAC framework. 
Figure 11 shows the application of the k-means clustering algo 
rithm on the 3D data associated with the two facades. Figure 
11 .(a) depicts the validity score as a function of the number of 
clusters k. As can be seen the optimal value for k is 2. Figure 
11 .(b) shows the convergence associated with this optimum. The 
footprint lines extracted from this clustering are illustrated in fig 
ure 9. 
We presented an approach for the automatic extraction of the 
building footprint in urban environments. This approach does not 
require previous knowledge of the number of facades in the input 
dataset. Moreover, the approach is robust to the heterogeneous 
densities of facade points. The proposed approach is based on 
fast filtering and feature extraction techniques. This stage consti 
tutes an essential task for 3D building modeling. Experimental 
results show the feasibility and robustness of the proposed ap 
proach on small islets of buildings. 
Future work may investigate the extension of the approach to 
buildings with a high complexity of shapes and the possibility 
of application to large areas because each islet of the buildings 
is delimited by its georeferenced trajectory. Furthermore, since 
outdoor squares inside the buildings are inaccessible areas for the 
vehicle, we plan to extend our approach to model full buildings by 
exploiting the terrestrial data and the corresponding aerial data. 
The authors would like to thank Bertrand Cannelle from IGN for 
his assistance with software and helpful discussions related to the 
data used in this work. 
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