Full text: Die Elbkette (Theil 4)

XXIX. Polkern — Arneburg — Landsberg — Zichtauer Berg — Pugelatz - 
Höhbeck— Dolchauer Berg. 
sin DAPo . sin DLA . sin DZL . sin DPuZ . sin DHPu . sin DPoH 
sin DPoA . sin DAL . sin DLZ . sin DZPu . sin DPuH . sin DHPo 
t • .■ : 
DAPo = 34 40 29,272 — (86)-f (87) 
DLA = 73 40 24,968 —(85) 
73 43 18,389 — (67) + (68) 
DPuZ = 25 21 29,047 — (51) + (52) 
DHPu = 64 43 45/794 — (58) + (59) 
DPoH = 92 38 27,628 + (70) 
DPoA — 97 31 18,853 — (72) 
DAL — 52 53 43,825 + (86) 
DLZ = 41 26 30,297 — (84) + (85) 
DZPu == 84 4 28,744 + (67) — (69) 
DPuH = 47 12 48,583 — (5°) + (5 1 ) 
DHPo = 32 3 29,006 — (57) + (58) 
30,44(86) + 30,44(87) 
6,15(67) + 6,15(68) 
44,43 (5ï) + 44,43 (5*) 
9,94 (58) + 9,94(59) 
o,97 (70) 
9.996 2466.8 + 
9,901 7506.4 + 
9,820 7650.0 — 
9.997 6734-5 + 
9,865 6309.0 — 
9,724 9131.7 — 
9,306 9798.4 
2-3,85 (84) + 23,85 (85) 
2,19(67)— 2,19(69) 
29,49(5°) + 19,49(52) 
33,62(5 7) + 33,62(58) 
о = — 0,465 + 0,9745(50) — 3,1960(51) + 2,2215(52) + 1,6810(57) — 2,1780(58) 
+ °,497°(59)— °,4270(67) + °,3°75 (68) + 0,2095(69) — 0,0485(70) 
— 0,1390(72) + 1,1925(84) — 1,5010(85) — 2,3185(86) + 1,5220(87) 
XXX. Polkern — Woltersdorf — Arneburg. 
180 0 + s 
86 20 41,476 — (71) + (72) 
34 i 31,989— (74) +(75) 
59 37 49,490 — (87) + (88) 
180 о 
i8o о 
+ 0,173 — (72) + (72) — (74) + (75) — (87) + (88) 
XXXI. Woltersdorf — Arneburg — Dolchauer Berg — Höhbeck — Polkern. 
Bedingung: 1 = 
sin PAW . sin PDA . sin PHD . sin PWH 
sin PWA . sin PAD . sin PDH . sin PHW 
PWA = 34' i 31,989 — (74) + (75) 
PAD = 34 40 29,272 — (86) + (87) 
PDH = 55 18 5,801 — (66) 
PHW = 56 28 51,050 — (56) + (57)

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