Full text: Die Rheinisch-Hessische Dreieckskette, das Basisnetz bei Bonn, das Niederrheinische Dreiecksnetz (Theil 9)

C. Das Niederrheinische Dreiecksnetz. 
XUI. Birkhof — Löwenburg — Heck. 
Birkhot = 51 50 34,143 — (29) + (30) 
Löwenburg = 82. 43 7,882 + (75) — (80) 
Heck = 45 26 20,419 — (85)+ (86) 
Summe =180 o 2,444 
i8o° + £— 180 o 2,542 
o = — 0,098 — (29) + (30) + (75) — (80) — (85) + (86) 
XLIII. Löwenburg — Montabaur — Hohe Acht — Michelsberg — Birkhof — Heck — 
Bedingung: 1 
sin 74.70.sin 20.21 . sin 25.26 . sin 30.31 . sin 85.86 . sin 68.69 
sin 67.68 .sin 73.74 . sin 23.20 . sin 24.25 . sin 29.30 . sin 84.85 
74.70 = 85 37 52,051 + (70) — (74) 
20.21 = 56 14 39,836 — (20) + (21) 
25.26 = 75 56 28,919 — (25) + (26) 
30.31 = 69 8 29,660 — (30)+ (31) 
85.86 = 45 26 20,419 — (85) + (86) 
68.69 = 3633 0,523 — (68) + (69) 
9,9987362.26+ 1,61(70)— 1,61(74) 
9,919 8180.11 — 14,07 (20) + 14,07 (21) 
9,986 7930.67— 5,27(25)+ 5,27 (* 6 ) 
9,970 5621.42— 8,02(30)+ 8,02(31) 
9,852 7872.37 — 20,73 (85) + 20,73 (86) 
9,774 9007.96 — 28,40 (68) + 28,40 (69) 
9,5°3 5974-79 
9/5°3 599 6 - 81 
— 22.02 
67.88 = 52 4 10,070 — (67) + (68) 
73.74 = 41 3° 5i,m— (73) + (74) 
23.20 = 71 54 25,274 + (20) — (23) 
14.15 = 54 59 20,191 — (24) + (25) 
19.30 = 51 50 34,143—(29) + (30) 
84.85 = 77 44 5,203 — (84) + (85) 
9,896 9429.98 — 16,41 (67) + 16,41 (68) 
9,829 8032.84 — 22,97 (73) + 22,97 (74) 
9,9779766.99+ 6,88(20)— 6,88(23) 
9,913 3058.17 — 14,75 (24) + 14,75 (25) 
9,895 5986.67 — x6,54 (29) + 16,54 (30) 
9,989 9722.16 — 4,58(84)+ 4,58(85) 
9,503 5996.81 
o = — 0,2202 — 0,2095 (20) + 0,1407 (21) + 0,0688 (23) + 0,1475 (24) — 0,2002 (25) 
+ 0,0527 (26) + 0,1654 (29) — 0,2456 (30) + 0,0802 (31) + 0,1641 (67) 
— 0,4481 (68) + 0,2840 (69) + 0,0161 (70) + 0,2297 (73) — 0,1458 (74) 
+ 0,0458 (84) — 0,2531 (85) + 0,2073 (86) 
XLIV. Birkhof — Heck — Remscheid. 
Birkhox = 38 5 3,919 — (18) + (19) 
Heck = 83 52 17,716 — (86)+ (87) 
Remscheid = 58 2 41,001—(89) + (90) 
Summe =180 o 2,646 
i8o°+f= 180 o 3,253 
o = — 0,607 — (28) + (29) — (86) + (87) — (89) + (90)

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