Full text: Die Rheinisch-Hessische Dreieckskette, das Basisnetz bei Bonn, das Niederrheinische Dreiecksnetz (Theil 9)

C. Das Niederrheinische Dreiecksnetz. 
XLVIII. Balverwald — Rade — Nordhelle. 
O / 11 
Balverwald = 47 2 57,988 — (38)+ (39) 
Rade = 43 52 50,230 — (92) + (93) 
Nordhelle — 89 4 12,870 -f- (97) — (iox) 
Summe = 180 o 1,088 
i8o° + £ = i8o o 1,481 
o = — 0,393 — (38) + (39) — (92) + (93) + (97) — ( IQI ) 
XLIX. Nordhelle 
Rade — Balverwald — Homert — Hohewald. 
sin 82.83 . sin 93.94 . sin 38.39 . sin 106.107 . sin 122.11 
sin 121.122 . sin 81.82 . sin 92.93 . sin 37.38 . sin 105.106 
82.83 =31 27 26,127— (82)4- (83) 
93-94 = 77 6 2/538— (93)+ (94) 
38.39 =47 257,988— (38)+ (39) 
106.107 = 55 25 2.8,252 — (106) 4-(107) 
122.117 = 65 19 26,167+ (117)—-(122) 
9,7 1 7 5559- 6 7 —34,42 (82)-434.42 (8j) 
9,988 8994.55— 4,82 (93)+ 4,82 (94) 
9,864 4766.28 —19,60 (38)+ 19,60 (39) 
9,9 1 5 5999.1:8 —14,51 (1061+14,51 (107) 
9,958 4122.41+ 9,67(117)— 9,67(122) 
121.122 = 47 57 52,694 — (121) + (122) 
81.82 =47 524,494— (81) + (82) 
92-93 = 43 52 50,230— (92)+ (93) 
37.38 =7443 534 54 — (37)+ (38) 
1:05.106 = 49 58 45,320 —(105)+ (106)

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