Let y x be a particular value of y when X= 0, and assume
y = Vi v < Substituting, we have
the first line of which is by hypothesis 0. In the reduced
equation let = u, then we have
3 '*S +(2 ^ + ^‘ )m = X (19) ’
a linear equation of the first order for determining u. And
this being found, we have
v = judx +c.
In the particular case in which X=0, we find from (19)
(J e -f Xulx
/ r~-/Xidx \
whence y = y x ^Cj 2 dx+C^j (20).
3rdly. Linear equations are connected by remarkable analo
gies with ordinary algebraic equations.
This subject has been investigated chiefly by Libri and
Liouville, who have shewn that most of the characteristic
properties of algebraic equations have their analogies in linear
differential equations.
An algebraic equation can be deprived of its 2nd, 3rd ... r th
term by the solution of an algebraic equation of the 1st,
2nd, ... r — 1 th degree. A linear differential equation can be
deprived of its 2nd, 3rd, ... r th term by the solution of another
linear equation of the 1st, 2nd,... r — 1 th order.
This may be proved by assuming y = vy v and properly de
termining v so as to make in the resulting equation y x assume
the required form.