Hence tlien a first integral of the above equation will be
The method of integrating an exact differential equation
which we shall illustrate, and which contains an implicit solu
tion of the question whether a proposed equation is exact or
not, appears to be primarily due to M. Sarrus (.Liouville, Tom.
xiv. p. 131, note).
Ek. Given y + Zx d £ + îy (g) + + =
Supposing the above an exact differential, we are by defini
tion permitted to write
dx...[ 34).
How a first and obvious condition is that the highest differ
ential coefficient in an exact differential equation, being the
one introduced by differentiation, can only present itself in the
first degree. This condition is seen to be satisfied.
Representing the highest differential coefficient but one by
p, we can express (34) in the form
dU — (y + 3xp + 2yp') dx + (y? + 2y^p) dp.
Now let U x represent what the integral of the term contain
ing dp would be were p the only variable. Then
U x = x*p + y 2 y> 2 .
Assume, then, removing all restriction,
whence dU 1 =
Subtracting this from (34)