Object: A treatise on algebraic plane curves

Adjoint, 30, 242. 
-—, special, 30, 252. 
—, —, of higher index, 395, 396. 
Adjoints, pure system, 395, 396. 
Apolarity, binary, 368-72. 
Apolarity, ternary, 410-16. 
Asymptotes, 40 ff. 
Base of linear system of curves, 
380, 384. 
, complete, 384, 386. 
—, normal, 380, 384. 
Branch, 39. 
Cayleyan, 150-2, 157, 158. 
Centre of curve, 168. 
— of gravity, 165-8, 172-6. 
—, tangential, 91, 166-8. 
Characteristics of correspondence, 
Characteristics, Pliicker, 99, 101, 
102, 114-18. 
Circuit, 50. 
—, even, 50-5. 
—, odd, 50-5, 58. 
—, simple, 50, 55. 
Circuits, maximum number, 56, 
57, 60-4. 
—, nesting, 62-5. 
— on Riemann surface, 195, 337. 
Class of curve, 20, 93, 94, 141, 249. 
-— of system of curves, 432. 
— of Cremona transformation, 
482, 483. 
Coincidences of a correspondence, 
126-33, 333. 
Collineations, integral, 483-8. 
Component, cuspidal, 247. 
Conditions, adjunction, 243. 
—, existence, 104, 106-8. 
Continuity of roots of a poly 
nomial, 2 ff. 
Contra variant, 73. 
Co variant, 73. 
Coordinates, barycentric, 68. 
Coordinates, trilinear, 67-9. 
Coresidual, 30, 245. 
Correspondence, 121. 
—, indices of, 124. 
—, value of, 124, 332, 333. 
Correspondence, generalized, 340-2. 
Correspondences, birational, 344-6. 
—, linearly dependent, 335, 336. 
—, (p-p), 342-4. 
—, product of, 12. 
—, sum of, 125. 
Cross ratio, 69, 70. 
Curve, 1. 
—, base, 121. 
—, fundamental, 197, 386, 442. 
Curves, canonical, 268. 
—, covariant, 151-64. 
—, elliptic, 265, 302-6, 363-7. 
—, hyperelliptic, 305-8. 
—, M-, 464-7. 
—, N-, 465-7. 
—, normal, 259, 260. 
—, parallel, 193, 194. 
—, polar, 88-93, 138-47, 185-9. 
—, —, generalized, 413, 414. 
—, —, polygonal, 308-10. 
—, —, rational, 102-4, 368-77. 
—, —, reducible, 312-14. 
Cusps, 18. 
—, effect of, 93. 
Defect of equivalence, 320-3, 327. 
Degree of covariant, 73, 74. 
Dimension of series, 122, 215. 
Discriminant, 2, 5, 6, 81-6. 
— of quadratic form, 75, 77, 81, 
82, 83. 
Envelope of polar curves, 145, 146. 
— of systems of curves, 428-32. 
Equation, Joachimsthal’s, 89, 94. 
—, Klein’s, 109-18. 
—, tangential of curve, 20. 
Equations, Pliicker’s, 99-102, 114- 
18, 247, 248. 
E volutes, 191-3. 
Exponents, characteristic, 220, 
222, 223, 226-9. 
Foci, 171, 180, 183, 192. 
Formula, Chasles-Cayley-Brill, 129, 
246, 279. 
—, De Jonquières’, 285-8. 
—, Zeuthen’s, 135, 246. 
Functions, automorphic, 358-60.

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