Full text: Algebraic invariants

The equations obtained by solving these define a linear trans 
formation T\ which expresses u\, uz, uz as linear functions 
of U2, Uz and which is uniquely determined* by the 
transformation T. Two sets of variables xi, xz, xz and u\, uz, uz, 
transformed in this manner, are called contragredient. 
A polynomial P(c, x, u) in the two sets of contragredient 
variables and the coefficients c of certain forms fi(xi, xz, xz) 
is called a mixed concomitant of index X of the /’s if, for every 
linear transformation T of determinant A^O on xi, Xz, X3 and 
the above defined transformation T\ on ui, uz, uz, the product 
of P{c, x, u) by A x equals the same polynomial P{C, X, U) 
in the new variables and coefficients C of the forms derived 
from the /’s by the first transformation. For example, u x is 
a concomitant of index zero of any set of forms. 
In particular, if P does not involve the u’s, it is a covariant 
(or invariant) of the f s. If it involves the u’s, but not the 
x’s, it is called a contravariant of the/’s. 
Since Ui=ui, Uz^Ur,, Uz = U{, we see by the last formula 
in § 65, with 7 replaced by u, that (a/3w) behaves like a contra- 
variant of index unity of a x n , and also like one of a x n , $ x m . 
For the linear forms a x and p x , (a/3u) has an actual interpretation. 
For f=a x 2 =p x 2 , where 
/= O200#l 2 +fl020^2 2 +O002^3 2 T2(Zl01^1^3 4-2^011^2^3, 
it may be shown that 
U 3 
U 3 
By equating to zero this determinant (the bordered discriminant of 
/), we obtain the line equation of the conic /=0. 
67. Theorem. Every concomitant of a system of ternary forms 
is a polynomial in u x and expressions of the types a x , (a@y), (a(3n). 
* We have only to interchange the rows and columns in the matrix of T and 
then take the inverse of the new matrix to obtain the matrix of the transforma 
tion Ti. Similarly, x u x 2 are contragredient with u u u 2 , if we have T, § 40, and 
«1 = (.V2 U1 — &U2) /ikv)) ( — ViV 1+ZiU2)/{iv)•

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