3. Find the covariant of the binary cubic / whose leader is
a 0 2 a 3 —3o 0 uiO2+2ai 3 , the only seminvariant of weight 3 and degree 3. It
is the Jacobian of / and its Hessian.
4. A covariant of two or more binary forms is annihilated by
5. Find a seminvariant of weight 2 and partial degrees 1, 1 of a binary
quadratic and cubic. Show that it is the leader of the covariant
(flo^2— 2iilbl -\-<l2bo)X 2&1&2 T#2^l)y.
24. Alternants. Consider the annihilators
0 = 2 jaj-i— = 2 (^Tl)#*— ,
7=1 dUj k= 0 Odt + v
0 = 1 (p-j+l)a,^- = 2(p-k)a t+1 ^-
j= i ddj-i * = o 9®»
of invariants of a binary form. We have
itO = 2 ja, -, 10 -7+1)—^- + 2 (/>- *)a.+i-~-
y=i [ 9«7-i fc=o odjoa*
00 = 2 (/>— (£ + l)—— jaj-i
k =0
9&t+i i=1
The terms involving second derivatives are identical. Hence
£20 — 0£2 = 2 {i-\-\){p — t)cLi—— 2 i{p — l)flf-^"
i =o 9^< *=i 9^
p p)
= 2 (p-2i)ai--,
i =0 9®<
since the first sum is the first sum in £20 with j replaced by
i-\-1, and the second is the first sum in 0£2 with k replaced
by i — 1.
If S is a homogeneous function of ao, .
d and hence a sum of terms
cao e °ui®i . . . a v e v (£o+£i~K
we readily verify Euler’s theorem:
I Z*=dS.
i= o 9Vi
, a p of total degree
,-\-e p =d),