Since each element of R x or S x is linear and homo
geneous in the co-ordinates & of x by (6) or (7), we have
Rax &Rx
R x ~\~ Ry Rx-\-y 1
for every number a of F, and the similar equations in S.
By (8j) and (9), the correspondence between elements
x, y, .... of algebra A and matrices R x , R y , .... is
such that xy, ax, and x+y correspond to RxR yi aR x , and
R x +R y , respectively. Moreover, if A has a modulus,
this correspondence is one-to-one. For, if R x = R y , then
o = R x —R y = R x -y, whence x—y = o by Theorem 1.
Hence by § 12 we have
Theorem 2. Any associative algebra A with a modulus
is equivalent to the algebra whose elements are the first
matrices R x of the elements x of A, and is reciprocal to
the algebra whose elements are the second matrices S x of
the elements x of A.
For example, let A be the algebra of two-rowed
m =
M =
'<*! ft
* bj-
Then [i^mii and ¡x 1 = ixm lead to transformations
T m on the variables a, y, (3, d, and t m on a, /5,7, 5, having
the matrices
Rm =
where R m is with respect to the units e 11} e 2X , e I2 , e 22 of
§ 8, and S m is with respect to e ll7 e 12 , e 2I , e 22 . By inspec-