[chap. VII
latrix R x
p row of
1* x > since
/ with a
vithout a
nents are
A, and is
) x with a
ad hence
■j by a kj .
: socialise.
=xz f and
he group
r in Lie’s
theory of continuous groups. This was the origin of
the term “reciprocal algebras” (§ 12).
59. Characteristic determinant and equation of a
matrix. Let x be an w-rowed square matrix with
elements in a field F. Let co be an indeterminate. Write
(15) /(co) = | x-wl |
for the determinant of matrix x — col. Thus /(co) is a
polynomial of degree n in co with coefficients in F.
It was proved at the end of § 3 that
(16) (x—co/)adj. {x—.
Each member may be expressed as a polynomial in co
whose coefficients are matrices independent of co. Hence
the coefficients of like powers of co are equal. Thus, if
m is any matrix commutative with x, the corresponding
polynomials obtained by replacing co by w are identical,
and the same is true of the members of (16). But if
we take m = x and replace co by x in the left member of
(16), we obtain the matrix o. Hence f(x)l = 0.
We shall call /(co) and /(co) = o the characteristic
determinant and characteristic equation of matrix x.
Theorem. Any matrix x is a root of its characteristic
equation. It is understood that when co is replaced by x
the constant term c of /(co) is replaced by cl.
60. Characteristic matrices, determinants, and equa
tions of an element of an algebra. Let g(co) be any
polynomial with coefficients in F which has a constant
term c^o only when the associative algebra A over F
has a modulus e and then the corresponding polynomial
g(x) in the element x of A has the term ce. Then the
first and second matrices of g(x) are
(by) Fg{x)—g(F- x )) Sg(x) ~x) •