We may delete the common factor g(co) from this identity
in matrices since it is equivalent to n 2 equations between
elements of the w-rowed matrices. Thus
(28) M{m—uI) = q{w)I.
As in § 59 this identity holds true after co is replaced by
any matrix commutative with m, say m itself. Hence
q(m) = o. By the lemma, g(co) is divisible by 0(co),
If p is another indeterminate, we have
p)(p —co),
where \f/(co, p) is a polynomial in co and p with coefficients
in F. We may replace p by m and, since 4>(m) = o,
0(co)/ = i/'(co, m)(m — wT) .
From this and (28), we deduce
q{u>)\p{w, — = .
We may delete the common factor m — co7 whose deter
minant is not zero identically in co. Since the elements
of M have no common factor, q(co) must divide </>(co).
Our two results show that </(co) and 0(co) differ only
by a factor belonging to the field F. Hence the theorem
is proved.
Theorem 2. Every root of the characteristic equation
/(co) =0 of a matrix is a root of its minimum equation
0(co) =0, and conversely.
For, if we pass from (28) to determinants, we have
I M | */(co) = [0(co)]”.
The converse is true by Theorem 1.