§ 73]
£2j, and R 2 {co) is of degree o in the ¡¡zj, D{00) is of degree
o in both sets and hence involves the single indeterminate
oj. But
i?i(w) = co ri -\-CzCc ri ~ r T . . . . ,
where c 1} ... . are homogeneous polynomials in the
£zj and hence vanish when each ^ = 0. Hence D{co)
is a divisor <a d of of\ This is impossible since A x has a
modulus and hence Rz(co) has a constant term not zero
identically by the corollary in § 69.
73. Rank equation unaltered by any transformation
of units. For an associative algebra A with the con
stants of multiplication 7^, let R(co; £ f , 7^) = o be
the rank equation which is satisfied by co = x, where
x = 'E^Ui is the general element of A. Under a trans
formation of units (§ 61), let x become x' — h^ui, and
let R become p(co; 7y*). For co — x', both p and R{oo;
7ijk) are zero; unless they are identical, their differ
ence is zero for co = x'. Passing back to the initial units,
we obtain a function of degree <r which is zero for co = x,
contrary to the definition of r. Hence the rank equation
is independent of the choice of basal units A
* Another proof follows from the theorems of §§62 and 70 and the
fact that each irreducible factor of an invariant is an invariant Com
pare Bocher, Introduction to Higher Algebra (1907), p. 218.