type (1), such that each b rs is commutative with every
&ij and such that the m 2 n 2 products dijh rs are linearly
independent with respect to F.
Then those products are the basal units of the direct
product A XB (§ 50). Take them as the elements of a
matrix (e Pq ) which is exhibited compactly as the com
pound matrix
• • • ifltf)bln
in which the entries themselves are matrices :
From our two notations for the same element, we
P dijb rs ,
Q = dklb tu =ek+ m {t-i), l+m{u—i) •
Evidently PQ = o unless k=j, t = s, and then
But k=j, i = s imply j+m(s — i) —1) and con
versely, since j and k are positive integers Sm. Hence
the e’s satisfy relations of type (1) and are therefore the
basal units of a simple matric algebra.
Theorem. The direct product of two simple matric
algebras of orders m 2 and n 2 is a simple matric algebra of
order m 2 n 2 .