If each Di is of order i, our theorem holds for F 1 =F'.
In the contrary case, we employ an extension F" of
F' such that the algebra over F", having the same
ni{fii> i) basal units as D i} is not a division algebra.
To it we apply the argument just made for D'.
Since the division algebras introduced at any stage
are all of orders less than those of the preceding stage,
the process terminates, so that we reach a final stage in
which the division algebras are all of order i. Each
division algebra of the prior stage is therefore a direct
sum of simple matric algebras. Our theorem now follows
from that in § 75.
77. Theorem.* If A is an algebra having a single
idem potent element e over a non-modular field F, then A can
he expressed in the form A = B-\-N, where B is a division
algebra and N is zero or the maximal nilpotent invariant
sub-algebra of A.
The theorem is obvious when A is of order 1, since
then A =A +0 and A is a division algebra.
To prove the theorem by induction, assume it for all
algebras of type A which are of orders less than the order
of A,
We first show that we may take N 2 = o. Let N 2 ^o
and write
(4) A=B'+N, B'y\N = o, iV=iVx+iV 2 , N1 y\N 2= o.
Since AN 2 =AN • N^N • N and N 2 A SN 2 , N 2 is an in
variant sub-algebra of A.
The classes f (x) of A modulo N 2 are the elements of
A—N 2 . In particular, the classes {nf), each uniquely
* In § 79 there is a far simpler proof for the case of algebras A over
the field of all complex numbers.
t The notation (x) marks the distinction from classes [x] modulo N.