T 73
§ 98]
equivalent to a matrix d' whose first element is not zero
and whose further elements in the first row and first
column are all zero. If the matrix obtained from d f
by deleting the first row and first column is not zero, we
may apply to it the result just proved for d. Repetitions
of this argument show that d is equivalent to a diagonal
matrix whose elements outside the main diagonal are all
zero, while those in the diagonal are g XI , . . . . , g nn , each
of the first r of which are 5^0 and the last n—r are all
zero (1 <r^n). . Denote this matrix by (g II} .... , gnn)
and call r its rank.
If g IX is not both a right and a left divisor of all the
remaining gjj^o, suppose to fix the ideas that g xl is
not a left divisor of gu^o. We add the elements of the
fth row to those of the first row and by (i) obtain an
equivalent matrix having gu as the fth element of the first
row. Then by the first part of the proof of Lemma 2
we obtain an equivalent matrix whose first element g' IX is
not zero and has a norm numerically <N{g XI ). As
before we can find an equivalent diagonal matrix whose
first element is After a finite number of repetitions
of this process, we reach a diagonal matrix {h It , . ,
h nn ) in which h xl is not zero and is both a right and a left
divisor of each ha. Treating similarly the matrix
(,h 22 , . . . . , h nv ), we obtain an equivalent matrix
(l 22 , . ... , Inn) in which 1 22 is not zero and is both a
right and a left (jivisor of each la. Morevoer, h xl is both a
right and a left divisor of l 22 , since they are
linear combinations of h 22 , . ... , h nn with coefficients
in S. Proceeding similarly, we obtain the
Theorem. Every matrix d of rank r> o, whose
elements belong to a maximal set S of elements of a division