A=B Z +B 2 + .... +B a , B P B q SA p A q .
Now A p+q is B a if ; but, for p+q<a,
A p + q =B p+q +A p + q +' = B p+q +B P+q+1 +A p + q + 2
= . , . . =-£>0-(- 9 + .... +-S a .
We now assume that T is nilpotent and of index a,
so that B a = o. Let n z , .... , nb 1 be a basis of B z ,
i.e., linearly independent elements of B z such that every
element of B z is a linear combination of them with
coefficients in the field F over which A is defined. Let
Ubj.+x, . , nf >i +b 2 be a basis of B 2 , etc.
First, let pSq and p+q<a. Then in the bases of
B p and B q , each n has a subscript ^b z -\- ... . -\-b q .
The latter sum is less than the minimum subscript
&!+.... A-b P + q - 1 +1 of an n in B p + q . Hence by
(14), every product fiifij is a linear combination with coeffi
cients in F of those n’s whose subscripts exceed both i and j.
The same result holds also if w* is in B P and nj is in
B q , where now p+q^a, since B P B q =o by (15), so that
niUj = 0.
A set of basal units n z , n 2 , .... of a nilpotent
algebra is called a normalized set if it has the property
expressed in italics.
101. The two categories of complex algebras. By
§ 79, every complex algebra A with a modulus e is the
sum of its maximal nilpotent invariant sub-algebra N
and a semi-simple sub-algebra S, while S is a direct sum
of simple matric algebras Si. Here N must be replaced
by o if A itself is semi-simple. According as the orders