of the Si are all 1 or not all 1, A is said to be of the first
or second category, respectively.
This separation of the two cases is nowise necessary
in the present theory, but is a convenient one since the
notations in the first case are much simpler than in
the second case. Although the later treatment of the
second case applies to both cases, the prior simple dis
cussion of the first case will greatly clarify that of the
second case.
102. Complex algebras A of the first category. We
have A =5+N, where A is a direct sum of algebras
(e x ), , . . . , (eh) of order 1, and
(16) ej = ei, e i e j =o(i^j), 2ei=e,
e being the modulus of both A and S. Thus
If eiNej is not zero, its elements are all linear com
binations of certain of its elements n z ,n 2 , . . . . , which
are linearly independent. Since n p = eiXej, where x is
in A, we have
(17) eiUp = n p , ek.n p =o(k9 £ i) , n p ej—n p , n p e t — o (t^j),
for k, t=i, . . . . , h. Any element n p ^o which satis
fies these conditions (17) is said to have the character
But if eiNej = o, N has no elements of character
CjNCj—Qj 1 CjN Cj ,