Xi — <z I i£i+a 12 £ 2 + .... -\-CLip^p,
Xp = ap I ^ l -\-ap 2 ^ 2 -\- .... -\-app%p
except that the equations of the inverse A~ x are now
more complicated (§ 3).
3. Matrices. A linear transformation is fully defined
by its coefficients, while it is immaterial what letters
are used for the initial and the final variables. For
example, when we wrote the equations for t~ I in § 2,
we replaced the letters x, y which were first employed
to designate the new variables by other letters X, Y.
Hence the transformations t, r, and A in § 2 are fully
determined by their matrices:
the last having p rows with p elements in each row.
Such a /»-rowed square matrix is an ordered set of p 2
elements each occupying its proper position in the symbol
of the matrix. The idea is the same as in the notation
for a point (x, y) of a plane or for a point (x, y, z) in
space, except that these one-rowed matrices are not
square matrices. The matrix
of the transformation t x = tr is called the product of the
matrices m and ¡jl of the transformations t and r. Hence
the element in the ith row and 7th column of the product
of two matrices is the sum of the products of the succes