Avant-propos par M. Charles Adam, Membre de
Pinstitut vii
A. Schedule of the Collection ...... xxix
B. History of the Collection :
(I) External Evidence xxxv
(a) the Sotheby Catalogue .... xxxv
(h) the Sotheby Wrapper .... xliii
(c) Thorpe’s Catalogue .... xlv
(II) Internal Evidence ..... xlvii
(III) Huygens’ manuscript book of Descartes’ letters , Iv
(IV) Conjectural completion of the history :
(a) From i6yo to iSzy; .... Iviii
(J?) From i8zy to 1833 ; . . . . Ixii
(cj From 1833 to the present day. . . Ixiii
(V) The History summarized .... Ixiv
(VI) Bibliography ...... Ixv
C. The Edition:
(I) Aim Ixvi
(II) Character ....... Ixvi
D. Historical Note:
(I) Resume of the early life of Descartes and of
Constantijn Huygens .... Ixviii
(II) Conspectus of passages in the published corre
spondence of Descartes relating to Huygens,
and in that of Huygens relating to Descartes,
previous to the opening of this Corre
spondence Ixix
E. List of authorities and abbreviations. Errata . . Ixxv