6 July 1643] cxxiv. Descartes 5 Reply
Descartes’ Reply to the Authorities of
the City of Utrecht.
6 July 1643.
Printed placard, г8 x 38 cm.
The c imprimé 3 of Corresp. CCCX VI, voi. IV, p. 16,1. 11,
sent to Huygens by Descartes together with letter LXXXV a
[above^p. 209, l. 9), through De Wilhem.
It is the document beginning й lek hebbe reden . . /, printed
as Corresp. CCCXIV, voi. IV, pp. 9—12 (translation, ib.,
pp. 646—8).
Descartes and the University of
April 1645-.
One double sheet foolscap followed by one single sheet. Text on la,
ib, га, and гЬ of sheet 1, and la of sheet г. The whole in Descartes’ hand.
c La glorieufe piece qui vous efl venue de Groninghe 3 received by
Huygens on July 6th, 1645” (above, C,p. 238, //. 2-3), concerning
the printing of which Descartes asked for Huygens* advice (De
Wilhem to Huygens, letter of 4 July^ ap. Corresp. voi. IV,
pp. 244-у 3 Briefwisseling, 400y, voi. IV,/. 1673 cf. above,
C,/. 239, /. 2i, and Ca,p. 241, /.18 f ).
The two letters from De Wilhem to Huygens (Corresp., loc.
cit.) should have their order reversed, that printed second being
really of the ind^ not, like that printed firsts of the yth^ July
(Correct from Briefwisseling, 4003, voi. IV, p. 167). The
c eferit 3 of both letters is then one and the same, namely, this
very set of papers, and De Wilhem is concerned to explain why it
г 99 ол г