Full text: Correspondence of Descartes and Constantyn Huygens 1635 - 1647

Chilot, ‘ Portugalliae Regis mathema- 
ticus’ : ipy-8. 
Cicero: quoted by Huygens, 114. 
Ciermans: Jesuit critic of Descartes, 73. 
Classical authors quoted or referred to : 
see Apollonius, Aristotle, Cicero, 
Euripides, F lorus, Herodotus, Homer, 
Horace, Justinian, Livy, Persius, 
Petronius, Plautus, Seneca, Terence, 
Clavis Philosophìae Naturalis ; see Raei, 
Jean de. 
Clerselier, Claude : edition of Descartes’ 
correspondence, liii ; significant altera 
tions in the text of, xxxi, 72, 93, 
136, 182, 183, i8y, 
Cloppenbourg, J. : controversy with 
Saumaise, 337* 
COHEN, Gustave : his Écrivains français 
en Hollande dans la première moitié 
du XVII e siècle referred to, pi, 38, 
233, 2j2, 309, 310, 33 y. 
Compendium Musicae (Descartes) : re 
ferred to by Huygens, 56 ; by Des 
cartes, 96. 
Compromise, TKe, in the Stampioen- 
Waessenaer controversy : fixing of 
the terms of, 101 f., 104 f., 107 f., 
112-13, 115, n8f. 
Descartes’ notes on Stampioen’s draft, 
107, 283 if. 
Latest form, 283 ff. 
Condolence, Descartes’ letters of : 45 f., 
Confraternitas Mariana : 184, 183, 2oy. 
Conrart, Valentin ; correspondent of 
Huygens, 31. 
CopRiANUS : see Regner, Cyprianus. 
Correspondance de Descartes : edition of by 
Charles Adam, Ixxv; cited, passim. 
Correspondance et Œuvre musicales de Con- 
stantyn Huygens’, see JONCKBLOET 
& Land. 
COUDERC, C. : his Nouveaux Documents 
sur la situation de fortune de la famille 
de René Descartes referred to, 2 60, 
Courcel, Robert de\ li. 
COUSIN, Victor : his Fragments philo 
sophiques referred to, liv, Iv, 233. 
Crœsus ; story of his dumb son referred 
to, 22, 25. 
Cruautéz des Espagnols : see Las Casas, 
Barthél. de. 
Dagboek van Constaniyn Huygens: edited 
by J. H. W. Unger, Ixxv ; referred 
to, /, 44, 60, yp, IOO, Up, 132, 
133, 144, lyp, 1У4, 200, 214, 221. 
* Dagh-vaerd-brieven ’ (public challenges) 
of Stampioen: 99, 100, 103, 109, 
I2p, 264-5. 
Death and future life, Descartes on; 
46 f., 182 f. 
Debeaune, Florimond: experiments on 
Descartes’ Optics, 131. 
Dedel, Nicolaus: rector of the Uni 
versity of Leiden, 274, 279. 
Delagree : French notary, 261. 
Del Court; W.: Ixii. 
Dematius : see Maets, C. de. 
Demonstration : in philosophy, like that 
in mathematics, 7, 135; in aesthetic, 
‘moral’ only, 248, 298, cf. 165. 
Deposition (in Stampioen- Waessenaer 
affair): text of, 274-6; translated, 
276-7 ; referred to, IOO, 264. 
Desargues, Girard: his Perspective sent 
to Descartes, 50. 
Descartes, Joachim: deed with signa 
ture of, 260-1. 
Descartes, René: 
Autographs of, xxix-xxx. 
Character and abilities, own pronounce 
ments on: 20, 25 (poor artisan); 
28, 95 (thoughts need maturing); 42 
(desirous of criticism); 94 (follower 
of circumstance); 97, 176, 242—3 
(lover of peace) ; 131 (theorizing 
power); 181 (desire for freedom); 
182 (lover of life); 190 (trusts own 
experiments only); 243 (philoso 
phizes on everything); 232 (recalls 
early soldiering days); judgements of 
others on, seeBarlaeus, Golius,Objec 
tions and Replies, Saumaise, White. 
Cotemporaries, judgement on: see 
Bacon, Balzac, Basso, Campanella, 
Debeaune, Gassend, Gillot, Harriot, 
Hobbes, Hortensius, Huygens, 
(Christiaan), Huygens (Constantijn), 
Kircher, Mersenne, Mori, Mydorge, 
Pascal (Blaise), Petit, Roberval, 
Saumaise, Scaliger, Schooten (the 
younger), Stampioen, Stevin, White. 
Family: 260-1. 
Interests: see Anatomy, Botany, 
Chemistry, Flemish, Hunting, Law, 
Literature, Mechanics, Medicine, 
3+ 1

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