Full text: A Bibliography of geodesy

The reason for the preparation of this work was the need of it felt by the compiler. He began 
in 1885 a History of Geodesy, but before proceeding far it was found very difficult at any time to 
be sure that the literature regarding the operations of a given period had been exhausted. It was 
at once deemed best to collect titles as well as the works themselves. The excellent library facili 
ties in the various technical departments in Washington emphasized the feasibility of such an under 
taking. The number of titles collected for this purpose only, so far exceeded the special lists as 
given in the various bibliographies of mathematics that many persons suggested an extension of 
the original plan, so as to make the compilation useful to others. In response to this proposition 
the various libraries in Washington were carefully searched, and during two trips to Europe nearly 
every library facility there has been exhausted. In order to procure titles of such recent works of 
living authors as might escape notice, owing to delay in obtaining a place in the library cata 
logues, a circular letter was sent to every mathematician whose address could be obtained. Each 
circular had appended to it the titles of all of the known works of the recipient, with a request 
that omissions be supplied. This alone was the labor of several months, but was fully repaid in 
the gratifying assurances from many that nothing could be added, as well as in the few additional 
titles which tend towards making this work complete. 
Special effort has been made to examine carefully catalogues of libraries, however small, bibli 
ographies of the exact sciences, biographies of mathematicians, and trade lists of antiquarian books, 
in addition to such well-known sources as the “ Eoyal Society Catalogue of Scientific Papers,” 
Eeuss, “ Eepertorium,” etc. 
A most opportune assistance was furnished by Col. John Herschel, E. E., who, through the 
courtesy of the Eoyal Society, and with the consent of the India Office, sent a manuscript sup 
plement to his contribution to pendulum bibliography, which was published in “ Operations of 
the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India,” Yol. v. Prom this veritable treasure seventy-two 
new titles were found, each in the body of this work followed by (H). Most cordial thanks are 
due Colonel Herschel for his aid, as well as the confidence displayed in unreservedly placing such 
valuable material in the hands of another. 
During the progress of the compiling, various overtures were made by institutions desiring to 
become the source from which the completed work should emanate, but it was deemed only proper 
that it should be published in the country which witnessed its inception and fostered its growth. 
Therefore it is with pardonable pride that the compiler sees the results of his labors issuing from 
an institution of his own country, which throughout the world is the recognized advance guard in 
geodetic science. 
In this connection thanks should be tendered Mr. F. M. Thorn, Superintendent, and Mr. B. 
A. Colonna, Assistant in Charge of Office and Topography, of the CJ. S. Coast and Geodetic Sur 
vey, for their energetic interest in this undertaking. 
The title “ Bibliography ” may appear as high sounding or inappropriate to a work in which 
all the refinements of bibliographic science are not observed. The entire collation is not always 
given, since a large proportion of the books have appeared in but one edition. The only well defined 
purpose has been to give as much of the title as will enable one desiring the book to obtain it 
from any library possessing it, with the minimum effort to himself and the librarian. This object 

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