Full text: A Bibliography of geodesy

zione del pendolo avuto riguardo alia rotazione della 
Arm. di Math. (Tortolini), n, 1851,232-236. 
Mudge (William). • An account of the trigonometrical 
survey carried on in 1791, 1792, 1793, and 1794, by or 
der of His Grace the Duke of Richmond, late master' 
general of ordnance, by E. Williams, W. Mudge, and 
I. Dalby. 
Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., 1795, 414-591. 
An account of the trigonometrical survey carried 
on in 1795 and ’96, by the order of Marquis Cornwal 
lis, master-general of the ordnance. 
Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., 1797, 432-541. 
and Dalby (I.). An account of the operations car 
ried on for accomplishing a trigonometrical survey 
of England and Wales, from the commencement, in 
the year 1784, to the end of the year 1796. By order 
of the honorable board of ordnance. First published 
in, and now revised from, the Philosophical Transac 
tions. Yol. i, Measurement of the base on Hounslow 
Heath in 1784, and trigonometrical operations. 
4°, London, 1799, pp. xx, 437, 22 plates. (Gore.) 
Account of the trigonometrical survey carried on 
in 1797-99. 
Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., 1800, 539-724. 
An account of the operations carried on for ac 
complishing a trigonometrical survey of England 
and Wales, continued from the year 1797: to the end 
of the year 1799. From the Philosophical Transac 
tions. vol. ii, An account of the measurement of an 
arc of the meridian, extending from Dhnnose, in the 
Isle of Wight, to Clifton, in Yorkshire. 
4°, London, 1801, pp. vi, 128, 7 plates. (Gore.) 
Revd. in Edinb. Rev., v, 1805, 372-392. 
An account of the measurement of an arc of the 
meridian, extending from Dunnose, in the Isle of 
Wight, 50°, 37' 8", to Clifton, 53° 27' 31", in course 
of the operation carried on for the trigonometrical 
survey of England in the years 1800, 1801, 1802. 
Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., xcm, 1803, 383-508. 
Published as second part to vol. ii. Operations carried 
^on for accomplishing, etc. London, 1804, VI, 128, 7 
plates. (Gore.) 
Eevd. in Bibl. Brit. Genève, xxvni, 1805, 21-23; Eclectic 
Rev., I, 1805, 128-132, 199-206. 
— : Burckhardt (J. K.). Remarques sur la mesure 
d’un arc du méridien par —. 
Bibl. Brit. Genève, xxvm, 1805, 284-287. 
Title in fall under Burckhaudt (J. K.). 
— and Colby (T.). An account of the trigonomet 
rical survey carried on by order of the master-geueral 
of His Majesty’s ordnance in the years 1800, 1801, 
1803, 1804, 1805, 1806, 1807, 1808, and 1809. 
4°, London, 1811, pp. xv, 382, 14 plates. 
Revd. by Delamuke (J.-B.-J.), Conn. d. Temps, 1818, 243- 
— : Rodriguez (J.). Observations on the measure 
ment of three degrees of the meridian in England 
by —. 
Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., cn, 1812, 321-351 ; 
Phil. Mag. (Tillocli), xli, 1813, 20-31, 90-100, 
Mudge (William)—Continued. 
Gregory (O.). Dissertation and letters regard 
ing the survey of England by —. 
London, 1815. 
Title in full under Gregory (O.). 
Miifiling (Friedrich Ferdinand Karl von). Geschichte 
der Rheinvermessung. 
Zeits. f. Astron. (Lindenau), v, 1818, 33-48. 
[Sur les travaux géodésiques prussiens repris 
entre la frontière de la France et le Seeberg.] 
Corr. Astron. (Zach), iv, 1820, 325-332, 533-537. 
[Uebersicht der Längengradmessung zwischen 
Dünkirchen und Seeberg. ] 
. Astron. Nachr., in, 1824, 33-38. 
Ueber die Längengradmessung zwischen Dün 
kirchen und dem Seeberg bei Gotha. 
Hertha, vn, 1826, i, 5-25. 
Müllenhoff. Die Erdmessung des Eratosthenes." 
Müller (Fr. Chr.). Trigonometrische Vermessung der 
Grafschaft Mark." 
Müller (Franz). Ueber die Anwendung der anharmo 
nischen und harmonischen Verhältnisse zur Auflösung 
einiger Aufgaben der Geodäsie. 
Arch. d.Math. (Grunert), xlv, 1866, 395-410. 
Müller (Qu.). Geschichte der Breitengradmessungen 
bis zur peruanischen Gradmessung.* 
1871, pp. 52, 1 table. 
Müller (Th.). Ueber Erdmassenberechnuug. 
Zeits. f. Vermes., x, 1881, 137-144. 
Muhlert (Karl Friedrich). Grundzüge der mathema 
tischen Geographie in der Darstellung der Erde als 
eine der Planeten. 
8°, Leipzig, 1850, pp. iv, 68, 4 plates. 
Muncke. Pendel. (H.) 
Phys. Wörterbuch (Gehler), Leipzig, vi, 1833, 304- 
By far tbe most thorough, and in general correct, re 
view of pendulum research in any language. 
Murdoch (P.). Mercator’s sailing applied to the true 
figure of the earth, with an introduction concerning 
the discovery and determination of that figure. (II.) 
London, 1741. 
Murhard (Friedrich Wilhelm August). Literatur der 
• mathematischen Wissenschaften. 
2 vols., 8°, Leipzig, 1797-’98. (Washington, Con 
gress. ) 
Voi. II has the title: Bibliotheca mathematica, Leipzig. 
Praktischer Th eil der Geometrie [including geodesy], 
ii, 144-174. 
Muriel. Des opérations géodésiques de détail. 
Dépót de la Guerre, Mém., i, 1829, 235-264. 
Muschenbroek (Petrus van). Dissertationes physicae 
experimentales et geometriciB, de magnete, magni 
tudine terrae, ephemerides meteorológicas Ultrajec- 
4°, Lugduni Batavorum, 1729, pp. [vi], 672. (Dres 
den, Royal.) 
Magnitudine terree, 357-420, 3 plates. 
N. Am. Rev.,for North American Review. 

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