Anon. Memoirs of the army topographic department of Rus
sia. Vola. 1-41.
In charge of Blaramberg, Forsch, Stebnitzki,Tutschkow.
The entire work is printed in the Russian language,
which renders the work useless to such a large class
of geodesists, that no analysis of the work is deemed
necessary in this place.
Anleitung zu den Berechnungen der trigonometrischen
Aufnahme, und zu den Arbeiten des topographischen Bu
reaus ; nebst die gehörigen Hülfstafeln.
St. Petersburg, 1826.
Russian and German.
Ryde (Edward). The Ordnance Survey of the United
Surveyor’s Inst., Trans., xv, 1882-’83, ii, 25-62.
Ryff (Petrus). Quæstiones geometricæ in Euclidis et P.
Kami quibus geodæsiam adjecimus per usum radii
8°, Francofurti, 1606, pp. 135. (British Museum.)
Quæstiones geometricæ in Euclidis et P. Rami
~2toix£iod6iv in usum scholæ mathematica; collecta;
a dottore —, Basii mathematum professore. Quibus
geodæsiam adjecimus per usum radii geometrici.
Postremo accessit commentatio optica, si ve brevis
tractatio de perspectiva communi din optata nec no
juventuti fatis perspicua.
16°, Oxoniæ, 1665, pp. 316. (Gore.)
S. Comparaison des observations du pendule à diverses
latitudes, faites par MM. Biot, Kater, Sabine, de
Freycinet et Duperrey.
Bull. Sei. Math. (Saigey),vn, 1827,31-43,171-184.
S. Nordamerikanische Vermessung.
Astron. Nadir., x, 1833,385-388.
S. (P.): L’Isle delà Croyère (J.-N. de). Proposition
de la mesure de la terre en Russie. Translated by —.
Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., XL, 1737-’38, 27-51.
Sabine (Edward). An account of experiments to de
termine the acceleration of the pendulum in different
Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., 1821,163-190.
Beobachtungen über die Beschleunigung des
Secundenpendels in höheren Breiten, augestellt auf
den Expeditionen unter Kapit. Ross und unter Kapit.
Aun. d. Phys. (Gilbert), lxix, 1821,402-416.
: Biot (J.-B.). Exposé d’expériences avec le pen
dule par —.
Journ. d. Savans, 1825, 643-651; 1826, 3-18; 1827,
208-217 ; 1829,205-222.
An account of experiments to determine the fig
ure of the earth, by means of the pendulum vibrat
ing secondsin different latitudes; as well as on various
other subjects of philosophical inquiry.
4°, London, 1825, pp. xv, 509. (Washington, Ob
Of which the first 372 pages relate to the pendulum ob
Revd. in Monthly Review, cviii, 1825, 270-278. Revd. by
Renwick (J.), Journ. Frank. Inst., I, 1826, 164-1,2,
203-213. Revd. in Bull. Sei. Math. (Saigey), vn, 1827,
: Blosseville. Note sur les observations du —.
Corr. Astron. (Zach), xm, 1825, 422-427.
Sabine (Edward)—Continued.
: Francœur (L.-B.). Résultats des expériences
de — pour déterminer la longueur du pendule à secon
Soc. Philom., Bull., 1826, 65-66.
: Ivory (J.). The grounds for adopting the ellip-
ticity of the earth as deduced by —.
Phil. Mag. (Tilloch), lxviii, 1826, 321-326.
On the measurement of an arc of the meridian at
Quart. Journ. Sei., xxi, 1826,101-108.
An account of the arcs perpendicular to the
meridian, which are now measuring on the continent
of Europe.
Quart. Journ. Sci., i, 1827, 177-204.
An account of Prof. Carlini’s pendulum experi
ments on Mont-Cenis.
Quart. Journ. Sci., ii, 1827, 153-159.
Reply to Mr. Henderson’s remarks on Capt. Sa
bine’s pendulum observations.
Phil. Mag. (Taylor), ii, 1827, 176-177.
Experiments to determine the difference in the
length of the seconds pendulum in London and Paris.
Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., cxvm, 1828, 35-71.
Revd. in Bull. Sci. Math. (Saigey), x, 1828, 254-255.
Account of M. Bessel’s pendulum experiments.
Quart. Journ. Sci., v, 1829, 1-27.
Experiments to determine the difference in the
number of vibrations made by an invariable pendu
lum in the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, and in
the house in London in which Capt. Kater’s experi
ments were made.
Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., 1829, 83-102.
Nouvelles expériences sur le pendule.
Corr. Math. (Quetelet).
Revd. by L. (Fr.), Bull. Sci. Math. (Saigey), XII, 1829,
236-239. *
On the reduction to a vacuum of the vibrations
of an invariable pendulum.
Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., 1829, 207-239.
On the reduction to a vacuum of Capt. Kater’s
convertible pendulum.
Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., 1829, 331-338.
: Fallows (Fearon). Observations made with
the invariable pendulum. Note by —.
Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., 1830, 153-175.
Experiments to determine the difference in the
number of vibrations made by an invariable pendu
lum in the royal observatories of Greenwich and Al-
Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., 1830, 239-249.
Experiments to ascertain the correction for varia
tions of temperature, within the limits of the natural
temperature of the climate of the south of England,
of the invariable pendulum recently employed by
British observers.
Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., 1830, 251-255.
Experiments on the length of the seconds pen»
dulum at the Royal Observatory of Greenwich.
Roy. Soc, London, Phil. Trans,, 1831, 459-488.