Full text: A Bibliography of geodesy

Sédillot (L.A.). Notice historique sur le Coast Survey des 
Soc. Géogr., Bull., i, 1851,41-51. 
Spencer (J. C.). Plan for reorganization of the Coast Survey. 
Washington, 1843. 
Trowbridge (W. P.). Progress of the United States Coast 
U. S. C. and G. Survey, Rep., 1858, 270-273. 
Vose (G. L.h The United States Coast Survey. 
Van Nostrand’s Mag., XIII, 1875,1-13. 
Wells (H. P.). The United States Coastand Geodetic Survey. 
Harper’s Weekly, xxxn, 1888, 805-808. 
Anon. A review of Hassler’s principle documents, executive 
congressional documents since 1832, and the report for 1844. 
Princeton Rev., XVII, 1845, 321-344. 
Review of the Annual Report of the U. S. Coast Sur 
vey (1847). 
Am. Journ. Sci., V, 1848, 307-318. 
A short review of the year’s work. 
Report of the committee on science and the arts, con 
stituted by the i'ranklin Institute of the State of Penn 
sylvania, for the promotion of the mechanic arts, to whom 
was referred for examination and report the subject oi the 
progress of the survey of the coast of the United States. 
Journ. Frank. Inst., Xlvii, 1849, 209-214. 
Notice of the visit of the American Association for 
the Advancement of Education to the Coast Survey Office. 
Am. Journ. Ed., I, 1855,103-106. 
The United States Coast Survey. 
Putnam’s Monthly, V), 1855, 449-458. 
Review of the operations and results of the United 
States Coast Survey. 
Am. Journ. Sci., XXV, 1858,75-83,249-258. 
A popular account of the work of the Coast Survey to 
The Coast Survey, by one who has examined public 
documents. Reprint from New York Times. 
N. d., pp. 18. 
The Coast Survey ; its costs, abuses, and power. From 
the New York Times. 
Journ. Frank. Inst., lxvii, 1859, 63-68. 
A defense of the Coast Survey, in reply to the above- 
named article. 
Coast Survey. 
Appleton’s Cyclo., v, 1859, 394-401. 
Report on the history and progress of the American 
Coast Survey. 
A. A. A. Sci., Proc., 1859, 27-150. 
Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, communicat 
ing in answer to a resolution of the Senate a report show 
ing the amount expended and the progress made in the 
Coast Survey. 
Senate, 35th Congress, 2d session, Ex. Doc. No. 6. 
Revd. in North Am. Rev., XC, 1860,249-260. 
Letters from Government officers, including com 
manders in the Army and Navy, relative to the field and 
office work of the Coast Survey. 
8°, Washington, 1863, pp. [17]. 
Coast Survey. 
Am. Cycl., IV, 1883, 754-765. 
The late attacks upon the Coast and Geodetic Survey. 
Reprinted from the October and November numbers of the 
United Service, 1884. 
8°, Philadelphia, 1884, pp. 52. 
The geodetic survey of the United States. 
Nature, xxix, 1884, 573-575. 
A review of the Report for 1882. 
Determination of gravity at stations in Pennsylvania, 
Nature, xxxii, 1885, 572. 
A review of the above. 
U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey for the year ending 
with June, 1885. Rev. of. 
Am. Journ. Sci., xxxill, 1887, 429-431. 
What the Coast Survey has done for the War. Re 
printed from U. S. Service Mag., June and July, 1865. 
8°, New York, 1865, pp. 24. 
Message from the President of the United States trans 
mitting a report from the Secretary of State relating to an 
invitation from the Imperial German Government to be 
come a party to the International Geodetic Association. 
50th Cong., 1st Sess., Ex. Doc. 164, pp. 18. 
U. S. C. and G. Survey, Rep., for Report of the Super 
intendent U. S. Coast Survey. 
8°, Washington, 1816-51 ; 4°, 1852-’77. 
Report of the Superintendent U. S. Coast and Geo 
detic Survey. 
4°, Washington, 1878+. 
U. S. Eng. Rep., for Report of the Chief of Engineers of 
the U. S. Army. 
8°, Washington, 1868—(-. 
Blair (H. W.). The Lake Survey. 
Science, 1,1883,174. 
Boutelle (C. O.). Connection of the triangulation of the 
Coast Survey with that of the Lake Survey. 
U. S. C. and G. Survey, Rep., 1884, 387-390. 
Comstock (C.B.). Annual report of the United States Lake 
U. S. Eng. Rep., 1871, 982-1026; 1872, 1031-1108; 1873, 1160- 
1202; 1874, 402-476; 1875, 852-918; 1877, 1105-1206; 1878, 
1355-1419; 1879,1891-1972; 1880, 2365-2458; 1881,2781-2803; 
1882, 2785-2820. 
Report upon the triangulation of the Lake Survey. 
Washington, 1882. 
Gore (J. H.). The United States Lake Survey. 
Railroad and Eng. Journ., lxi, 1887, 200-203 ; Zeits. f. Yermes., 
XVII, 1888,385-395. 
Kerschbaum (G.). Die nord-amerikanische Basismessung 
von Chicago. 
Zeits. f. Termes., XIII, 1884, 533-547. 
R. (S. W.). U. S. survey of the north and northwest lakes. 
Journ. Frank. Inst., lxxxiv, 1867, 399-401. 
Raynolds ( W. F.). Annual report on the survey of the north 
west lakes. 
U. S. Eng. Rep., 1867, 553-864 ; 1868, 925-1187; 1869, 549-648; 
1870, 535-613. 
Schott (C. A.). Connection of Lake and Coast Survey trian 
U. S. C, and G. Survey, Rep., 1884, 387-390. 
U. S. Naval Institution, Proc., for Proceedings U. S. 
Naval Institution. (Washington, Congress.) 
V. (le S. C. de). Recherches curieuses des mesures du 
16°, Paris, 1636, pp. 48. (Gore.) 
Vacossaint (Charles-Nicolas). Traité de géodésie pra 
tique, contenant des méthodes nouvelles, simples 
et exactes pour la division des superficies agricoles. 
8°, Oisemont, 1863, pp. ii, 109, 2 plates. (Berlin, 
Valentiner (W.). Beiträge zur kürzesten und zweck- 
massigsten Behandlung geographischer Ortsbestim 
mungen, mit Hülfstafeln. 
4°, Leipzig, 1869, pp. 88. (Gore.) 
Van Diemen’s Land, Roy. Soc., Proc., for Proceedings 
of the Royal Society of Van Diemen’s Land. 
8°, Hobart Town, 1849-’59 (3 vols.). (Washington, 
Congress. )

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