Full text: A Bibliography of geodesy

Cramer (W.). Beiträge zur GescMclite <ier Vorstellung 
von dor Gestalt der Erde.* 
Barr in ^ilsass, 1877. 
Title from Jahrb. lib. d. Fortschr. d. Math., IX, 1877, 773. 
Crawford (James Ludovic, Earl of). On the deviations 
of the plumb-line evinced in the Island of Mauritius. 
Dun Echt Obsy. Publications, in, 1885, 499-506. 
Christiani (Girolamo Francesco). Delle misure d’ ogni 
genere antiche e moderne, con noteletterarie e fisico- 
matematiche, a giovamento di qualunque architetto. 
4°, Brescia, 1760, pp. xxiv, 208, 2 plates. (Gore.) 
Crofton (Morgan W.j. On the proof of the law of er 
rors of observations. 
Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., clx, 1870, 179-188; 
Proc., xvn, 1869, 406-407. 
Bovd. in Jahrb.üb. d. Fortschr. d. Math., II, 1869-70,115, 
by C[ayleyJ. 
Croizet (Vincent). Géodésie générale et méthodique 
des géodésies, considérée sous le rapport de la me 
sure et de la division des terres, et suivie des tables 
des logarithmes des nombres et des sinus, tangentes, 
etc., avec sept décimales. 
4°, Paris et Péronne, 1840, pp. xx, 488, 21 plates. 
Preceded by “Coup-d’œil rapide sur l’histoire des ma 
thématiques pures.” 
Grosthwaite (John). An account and description of 
three pendulums invented and constructed by the 
Roy. Irish Acad., Trans., ii, 1788, 7-12. 
Crotti. Compensazione degli errori nei rilievi geodetici.* 
II Politecnico, xxxiv, 1886, 587. 
Title from Zeits. f. Vermes., xvn, 1888, 50G. 
Croyère (de la). See Isle de la Croyère (Josephus 
Nicol de 1’). 
Cruls (Louis). Les travaux de la mesure d’un arc de 
méridien au Brésil, sous la direction de E. Liais. 
8°, Rio de Janeiro, 1876, pp. 6. 
Cubr (Em.). Von den Erdmessungen.* 
Zeitschr. zur Pflege der Math. u. Phys., redigirt von 
F. J. Studnicka, Prag, m, 1874, 228-281; iv, 1875. 
Eevd. iu Jahrb. üb. d. Fortschr. d. Math., vi, 1874, 724-725, 
by W[EYKj. 
Cunningham (Allan). The India survey. 
Nature, xxvn, 1882, 97-98. 
A review of the general report on the operations of the 
survey of India during 1880-’81. 
Cutts (Richard D.). Memoranda relating to the field 
work of a secondary triangulation. Description of 
station signals, methods of observations, correction 
for phase, eccentricity, spherical excess, measure 
ment of subsidiary base-lines, etc. 
U. S. and G. Survey, Rep., 1868, 109-139; 1882, 
Field work of the triangulation. (Reprinted, 
with additions, from U. S. Coast Survey Report for 
4°, Washington, Gov’t Printing Office, 1877, pp. 45. 
Czemak (P.) und Hiecke (R.). Pendelversuche.* 
Wien, 1885. 
Czerny. Die Wirkungen der Winde auf die Gestaltung 
der Erde. 
Petermann’s Mittheil., xxii, 1876, Ergänzung 
shefte, 48. 
Czuber (Emanuel). Bemerkungen über die mathema 
tische Behandlung von Beobachtungsergebnissen. 
. Tech. Blätter, vm, 1876, 131-139. 
Genauigkeit der geodätischen Punktbestimmung 
durch zwei und mehrere Grade. 
Tech. Blätter, x, 1878, 1-24. 
Geometrische Wahrscheinlichkeiten und Mittel 
8°, Leipzig, 1884, pp. v, 244, Teubner. 
Eevd. in Jahrb. üb. d. Fortschr. d. Math., XVI, 1884, *178- 
180, by Ls. [Lazarus]. 
D. On the general principles of geodesy, and on the 
several methods by which may be constructed a map 
of any country. 
Gleanings in Science, Calcutta, ii, 1830, 1-9. 
D. {A. B. C.). A concise method of determining the 
figure of a gravitating body revolving round another. 
Journ. Nat. Phil. (Nicholson), xx, 1808, 208-214. 
Daddi(G. B.). Corso di geodesia. Sciola d’ applicazione 
d’artiglieria e genio. 
8°, Torino, 1876, pp. 372, 23 plates. 
LTnione typografica. 
Della combinazione degli errori nel metodo flei 
minimi quadrate.* 
Torino, 1879. 
Dalby (Isaac). Remarks on Major-General Roy’s ac 
count of the trigonometrical operations. 
Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., lxxx, 1790, 593- 
Dalby (I.) and Mudge (W.). Account of the trigono 
metrical survey carried on in 1791. 
Roy. Soc. London, 1795, 414-591. 
Dalby (Isaac). A short account of the lateR. Burrow’s 
measurement of a degree of longitude and another 
of latitude near the tropic in Bengal in the year 
1790 and 1791, by Isaak Dalby. 
4°, London, 1796, pp. 21. (Southampton, Ordnance 
a : b :: 229J : 230f. 
Dalby (I.) and Mudge (W.). An account of the opera 
tions carried on for accomplishing a trigonometrical 
survey of England and Wales. 
London, 1799. 
Title in full under Mudge (W.). 
Dalby (Isaac): Tiarks (J. L.). On —’s method of find 
ing the difference of longitude between two points 
of a geodetical line on a spheroid. 
Phil. Mag. (Taylor), iv, 1828, 364-370. 
Dalrymple-Hay (Harley H.). Trigonometrical survey 
Inst. Civil Eng., Proc., lxxx, 1885,283-318. 
Dangos. Observations sur les réfractions terrestres. 
Savans Étr.,Mém.,i, 1806,463-468; Ann. d. Phys. 
(Gilbert), xlvu, 1814, 442-446. 
Danvers (F. C.). The surveys of India. II. The trigo 
nometrical survey (with a sketch map). 
Quart. Journ. Sei., vu, 1870, 448-458. 
Darboux (G.). Sur une série de lignes analogues aux 
lignes géodésiques. 
École Norm., Ann., vu, 1870, 175-180. 
Darlington (William). Mason and Dixon’s line. 
Historical Mag., ii, 1858, 37-42.

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