Full text: Euclides elementa (Vol. 3)

AB, FA kolvov ¡istQov sGtiv' xal cpavsQov, btc xal 
^isyiGtov. ^i8it,ov yaQ tov AB [isye&ovs tb AB ov 
Mrj fistQSLtco drj tb AB tb FA. xal av&vcpcaQOV- 
5 (i8vov asl tov ¿laGGovog ano tov {isit,ovog, to %sql- 
lEiTtO^lEVOV li8tQri<38L TtOtS TO TtQO EaVtOV diCC TO ¿17] 
sivai a<3V[i[i£tQa ta AB, FA' xal tb [isv AB to EA 
xata^istQovv Ismsta iavtov slaGGov to EF, to 8 e 
EF to ZB xata^istQOvv Isinstco savtov slaGGov to 
10 AZ, to 8s AZ to FE [istysitco. 
’Ensi ovv to AZ to FE [lEtQEt, alia to FE to 
ZB [istQst, xal to AZ aqa to ZB {lEtfytjGEt. {istQst 
ds xal sav to' xal blov aqa tb AB [istQiqGEL to AZ. 
alia tb AB tb A E ¿istQSt' xal tb A Z aga tb EA 
15 iLEtQr\(3sL. [lEtQst de xal to FE' xal blov aga tb FA 
[i8tQ£i’ tb AZ aQa t(bv AB, FA xolvov [lEtgov sGtiv. 
Ibyco 8y, bti xal [isyctitov. si yaQ (i^, EGtau tc [is- 
yE&og (Jist^ov tov AZ, b [istQTjdsi ta AB, FA. sGtco 
tb H. ETtsl ovv tb H tb AB [istQst, alia tb AB 
20 to EA iistQEi, xal tb H a$a tb E A ¡istQ^ass. ^istQEi 
de xal blov tb FA' xal locnbv aga tb FE istQti<3£L 
tb H. alia tb FE tb ZB }i8tQ8t' xal tb H aga 
tb ZB ii8tQti<S8L. [istQEt de xal blov tb AB, xal 
lOLTtbv to A Z ^l8tQ7]6£l, to [lEi^OV TO slaGGOV' OTtEQ 
1. sgzlv] coxnp. F, sati Bb, sazl zcav AB, FA Y. %af\ 
(ait.) fietQOv sati Y. 4. %cd] om. BFYb. av&vcpcuQOfzsvov V, 
sed corr. m. 2; ¿v&vcpcaQbfiEvov F. 5. ¿ai'] ¿'gciKElVb, age F, 
om. B [agee asi m. 2). 8. rb EF — 9. slaaaov] m. 2 B. 10. 
ds AZ] A Z 8s P. 13. fiszQiiasL — 14. AB] mg. m. 1 P. 14. 
Post AZ ras. 1 litt. V. 16. fiszQsi] (iszQrjcsi F. Deinde add. 
Theon: zb AZ aqa zu AB, FA [iszqsl (BFVb); idem m. rec. P. 
om. qp. sgzl BV, comp. Fb. 18. zd\ zb B, corr. 
m. 2. Post FA add. [iszqsizco v.ai Y, sed punctis dei. 20.

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