Full text: [Disquisitiones arithmeticae] (1. Band)

tum per hanc illi dissimilem 
oc — aoc -1- dV, y — yV-J- h'y' 
Tum designatis numeris ad— dy, ah'—d'y' per e, e, erit B'B'— A C = 
ee[BB — HC) = ee[BB— AC); hinc ee = ee, et, quia per hyp. e, é signa 
opposita habent, e =— e sive e-\-e=0. lam patet si in F' pro oc' substitua 
tur h'oc"—dj/", et pro y', — y'oc'-\-a!y", eandem formam esse prodituram ac si 
in F scribatur 
aut 1) pro oc a[h'oc"—dy') -f- d (—y 'oc'dy") 
i. e. [ah' — dy') oc"-[- (da — ad')y" 
et pro y y [h'oc" — dj/") -)- 3 (— y' oc" -\- a y") 
i. e. (yh' — dy') oc" -j- [ha — yd')y" 
aut 2) pro oc dih'oc"—d'y') -f- d' (—yV'-J-ay") e. // 
et pro y y'(dV'— d'y') -}- d'(—yV'-f- ay") «. e. é y" 
Designatis itaque numeris a h'—dy', da'—ad', yd'—dy', ¿a'—yd' per 
a, b, c, d: forma F per duas substitutiones 
11 I 7 ff 11 I 7 11 1 11 J 11 
x = ax -f- by , y — cx -j- dy ; x = ex , y = ey 
in eandem formam transmutabitur, unde obtinemus tres aequationes sequentes: 
Aaa-\- 2Bac-\- Ccc = Aee' [ll 
Aah-\-B[ad-\-hc)-\- Ccd — Be'e [2] 
Ahh2Bbd-\-Cdd = Cee >[3] 
Ex valoribus ipsorum a, b, c, d autem invenitur 
ad — bc = ee = — e e = — e e [4] 
Hinc fit ex 
<*W — C L 2 ] 
[A a -j- B c) [ad — bc) = [Ad — B c) e'e 
A [a —|— d) — 0 
Porro ex a -j- d) 2 — b 1 — c 3 ht

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