Full text: [Höhere Arithmetik] Theorematis arithmetici (2. Band)

_J_ r ~i{n—\)n 
1 — r 
stituitur r } \ designante X 
erit radix propria ae- 
sive quod idem est r~' 8 , 
1 — v 10 ) . . . (1 _ r - 2 ( n ~ 2 )) 
: ' v 
: r i(n+3)* 
■ etc. 
_ i^n—2 r —W+2J 
r «—2 «—»+2 
ie exhiberi possunt 
W = {—1 (r 2 — r“ 2 ) (r 4 — r -4 ) (r 6 —r- 6 ) {v n 1 — r" n+1 ) 
Multiplicando hanc aequationem per [5] in forma primitiva, prodit 
W 2 
X I 
— 1 , prout n est formae 4 1 , vel 
(—\)^ n ^ (r — r l )[r 2 — r 2 )(V 3 — r 3 ) . . . . [r n 1 — r n+1 ) 
ubi (—h est vel =-f-l vel = 
formae 4 p -f- 3. Hinc 
W 2 = + (1—r“ 2 ) (1 — r~ 4 ) (L — r -6 ) (1 — r- 2 ( w “ 1 )) 
Sed nullo negotio perspicitur, r~ 2 , r~‘ 4 , r -6 .... f~' 2n+2 exhibere omnes radices 
aequationis x n — 1 =0, radice x = 1 excepta, unde locum habere debebit ae 
quatio identica indefinita 
(a? — r~ 2 )[x— r“' 4 )(fi?—r -6 ) .... [x— t 2w '4 -2 ) — 1 —(— : ' l -\-x n ~*-\-etc. —j— ¿t? —j— 1 
Quamobrem statuendo x = 1, fiet 
(l — r*“*){! — 4 )( 1 - 
l r -2n+2\ __ 
et quum manifesto sit f* n ( n b = 1, aequatio nostra transit in hanc 
W 2 = ±n 
In casu itaque eo, ubi n est formae 4jjl —|—1, fiet 
W — + \jn, et proin T = + \/ n, 17 = 0 
Contra in casu altero, ubi n est formae 4jx —J— 3 , fiet 
W = -^-i\jn, adeoque T = 0, U = -j- \Ji 
Methodus art. praec. valorem tantummodo absolutum aggregatorum T, U 
assignat, ambiguumque linquit, utrum statuere oporteat T in casu priori atque 
U in casu posteriori = -)-\Jn, an = —\Jn. Hoc autem, saltem pro casu 
eo ubi k = 1, ex aequatione [5] sequenti modo decidere licebit. Quum sit, pro 
* = 1. 

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