Full text: [Höhere Arithmetik] Theorematis arithmetici (2. Band)

Transimus ad casum alterum, ubi n est numerus par. Sit primo n formae 
4p.—{— 2 sive impariter par, patetque, numeros \nn, —1, {in-1-2) 2 —4 etc, 
sive generaliter (T^-f-X) 2 — XX per 4-n divisos producere quotientes impares, ad- 
eoque secundum modulum n congruos fieri ipsi \n. Hinc colligitur, si r sit ra 
dix propria aequationis x n —1 = 0, adeoque r* n = —1, fieri 
r {inf __ j 
r {in+1) 2 — __ r 
r a«+ 2 ) — / 
r (lW+3) 2 __ r 9 e ^- c 
Hinc in progressione 
1 —|— v —r 4 —(— r 9 —}— etc. —|— b' 
terminus r^ n '^ destruet primum, sequens secundum etc., adeoque erit 
w = o, t= o, u = o 
Superest casus, ubi n est formae 4 p sive pariter par. Hic generaliter 
(T w + ^) 2 — XX divisibilis erit per n, adeoque 
Hinc in serie 
1 —J— v —|— r l —|— r 9 —(— etc. 
terminus r*- 2 ^ aequalis erit primo, sequens secundo etc., ita ut fiat 
W= 2(l + r-f-r 4 -fr 9 + etc. 4- r ^ 1 >') 
lam supponamus, in aequ. [7] art. 15 statui m — in—1, et pro y accipi 
radicem propriam aequationis y n —1 = 0, puta r. Tunc perinde ut in art. 15 
aequatio sequentem formam obtinet:

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