Full text: [Höhere Arithmetik] Theorematis arithmetici (2. Band)

denotare multitudinem 
solutionum congruentiae 
l + a-j-y = 0 
1 — j— CL —|— S 0 
1 “j - CL -j - CL 0 
l + a + d = 0 
1 “I - d -j - y — 0 
1 + d+d = 0 
1 + d -j- a = 0 
1 —|— d —j— d' = 0 
i+T+f = 0 
1 —j— y —j— d = 0 
1 -j- y -j- a = 0 
l-j-y-f-d -= 0 
1 —j— ^ y = 0 
1+ i + 8'= o 
1 -j- d -f- a = 0 
1 —(— ^ —{— d = 0 
unde statim habentur sex aequationes: 
(00) = (22), (01) = (32), (03) = (12), (10) = (23), (1 1) = (33), (21) = (30) 
Multiplicando congruentiam 1 -f- a -f- y = 0 per numerum y' e complexu C 
ita electum, ut fiat y y' — 1, accipiendoque pro y" residuum minimum producti ay', 
quod manifesto quoque complexui C adnumerandum erit, prodit y'-J-y"-)-l = 0, 
unde colligimus (00) = (20). 
Prorsus simili modo habentur aequationes (01) = (13), (03) = (31), 
(10) = (11) = (21). 
Adiumento harum undecim aequationum sedecim incognitas nostras ad quin 
que reducere, schemaque S ita exhibere possumus: 
h, i, k, l

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