Full text: [Allgemeine Analysis] Theoria combinationis observationum erroribus minimis obnoxiae (3. Band)

c = na, c" — na!', c" ==■ na!", 'c = 'an, d y = nb y , y d ==■' bn 
Hinc facile deducitur, etiam limitem serierum I, II, fore ad limitem serierum 
III, IV ut 1 ad n, sive generaliter M(na,nb) =nM.[a,b). Erit itaque generali- 
ter M(o,i) = «M{l,|) = iM(|,l). 
Problema. Exprimere medium arithmetico-geometricum inter numerum unitate 
maiorem 1 —J—¿c et unitatem, per seriem secundum potestates ipsius x progredientem. 
Sol. Quum M(l,l) = l, supponamus 
M (i _|_ x, 1) = 1 -\-h!x-\- h"x 2 + h'"x 3 -f- h"" x i -f- etc. 
ita ut h', h", K", K"' sint coefficientes constantes ab x non pendentes. Sit 
x — 2t-\-tt, eritque 
M(l + «r, 1) = + 1 + 0 = (l + i)M(l+^, 1). 
Quare habebitur 
l + h'{2t-\-tt) + h"[2t+ttf-{-h" , {2t-\-tt) 3 + etc. 
= 1 + i+i 0+K (7+7p + etc - 
Hinc prodeunt aequationes 
2h' = 1 
4 h" + h'=ih' 
8 K" +4 h!'= 0 
16 h"" + 12 h'" + K' — 
32Ä V + 32k"” + 6r=- ih" 
Mh n + 80Ä V + 24 Ä w + h'"=ih"+ih'" 
128 h m + 19 2 A VI + 80A V +8 h""= 
256 /0 m + 448 Ä vn + 240 Ä VI + 40 Ä V + h""= +tV^ 
etc. unde iit 
h'=i, h"—— T \, h'"= -+, h"" = 
M(l+o?, 1) — 1 -\-^x—^xx-\--fax 3 — T-ffir«^ 6 etc - 
Ceterum nullo negotio perspicitur, medium inter 1 et numerum unitate minorem 
2 1 
1 0T4 ’

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