Full text: [Allgemeine Analysis] Theoria combinationis observationum erroribus minimis obnoxiae (3. Band)

Ut computus maxima facilitate per logarithmes confici possit, sequentes formulas 
adiicimus, ex algorithme seriemm I. II sponte demanantes : 
1 6 x’x’ ’ 
rr ff 
■y y = 
16 x"x” 
quae simul protinus ostendunt, quanta velocitate series nostrae convergere debeant. 
Si magis arridet, etiam sequentes formulae poterunt adhiberi: 
xoc—yy = i[x—y) 2 , 
oc"oc"—y"y" = \-[x'—y) 2 etc. 
Rapiditatem convergentiae harum serierum monstrabunt exempla sequentia: 
I. Sit x = \j 2, y = 1 (Conf. art. 3). Hic habetur ococ—yy — 1 
2 [ococ —yy) —i{oc —y) 2 = 0,0857864376 2690 
4 [x"x" —y"y") = [oc —y) 2 = 0,. . .3203980 4927 
8 [x'"oc"' —yy") = 2 [x"-y") 2 = 0, 22 3462 
16 (x""x""—y""y"") = 4 [x'"—y'") = 0, 
Summa = 0,0861068379 10 
Hinc fit 6M.[x,y) = M[x,y)x 1,0861 068379... 0,9138931621...j 
sive in numeris = d^?X 0,460082 .... -j-d^x 0,5474860839 
II. Sit 
x = 5,20277 8 + 2,784072 = 7,986850, y = 5,20277 8 — 2,78407 2 = 2,418706 
ubi x, y sunt distantiae maximae et minimae lovis et Cereris (neglecta excentri 
citate planorumque inclinatione). Quare 
x = 7,9868500 
x = 5,2027780 
x = 4,7989925 
jc'"= 4,7904838 
x"= 4,7 90480 
2,4187060 XX —yy = 59, 
4,395207 2 [ococ —yy) = 1,28 
4,781975 4 [x"x" —yy) = 
4,790476 8 {x'"x'"—y'"y'") = 
Facile iam etiam coëificientes sequentes serie

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