Full text: [Allgemeine Analysis] Theoria combinationis observationum erroribus minimis obnoxiae (3. Band)

Ex expressionibus supra allatis sequitur 
sin lemncp 
') ~{e 
' Cu v 
03. V ' | tu J 
li ' -|7I ' |7T , , -fit 
e~ —2 s + e e +2 s + e 
-f- etc. 
cos lemn cp = 
Hinc vero sequitur 
sin lemn ^OÌ = ^ _ i% 
e 2 +e 2 
4 tiì sìd3 ^+ 
log Q^OJ 
t / N 2 cos2<p , / 
I — a ai coscp-( , — ) — +( 
1-h y/(l—p-p) —^ T W + v/(l-M' 2 1 Vl+^l-M' 3 
— ilog2-j- T V'rc 
+ cos 2([)n—i <M J e -,„cos 4i/K + \^cos 
\ log 2 — 1 tc -f- log sin^TT 
^008 2^71 —f^-s^COS 4 tj>7r —COS 6^71 — . . 
— 4-log2 + - T VTT 
^-+5,008 2^ — 4.^55^35 COS 4 t[)X — +¿55^55 008 6^— 
f log 2 — iTt + log cos cJ^tc 
■f?s+, cos2 4™—+ ¡1+7 COS 4 <(.* + + ++COS 6 . .

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