Full text: [Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und Geometrie] (4. Band)

a a -{-bb -j- cc — E 
a a -J- b b' -J- c c = F 
da' -J- b'b' -j- ce = G 
a a -)-ôb -j- cy = m (4) 
a d -j- bd —(— c y' = m (5) 
aa”-\-bfi"-\-cY = m" (6) 
da -j- 6'b -j - c T — n (7 ) 
dd-\- h'd -j- c'y' == n (8) 
aW+Vf + df -= n" (9) 
AA + BB-\-CC=EG — FF = A 
, v 
Eliminemus ex aequationibus 1, 4, 7, quantitates b, y, quod fit multipli 
cando illas per bc — cb', b'C — cB, cB — b C, et addendo: ita oritur 
{A (b c — cb')-f- a [b'C — cB) -(- d[cB — b C)) a 
— D[b c — cb') m{b'C — c'B) -f*n{cB — b C) 
quam aequationem facile transformamus in hanc: 
AD = «A -\-a[nF—m G)-\-d(mF—nE) 
Simili modo eliminatio quantitatum a, y vel a, b ex iisdem aequationibus sup 
BD = bA -{-b{nF—mG)-\-h\mF—nE) 
CD = yA-j-c^jP—m G)-\-c{mF—nE) 
Multiplicando has tres aequationes per a", b", y" et addendo obtinemus 
DD' = ( a b''+bb''-|-yy'')A + m>.P— mG) + d'(mF— nE) .... (10) 
Si perinde tractamus aequationes 2, 5, 8 , prodit 
AD' = d A-(- a[nF—mG)-\-d{mF—nE) 
BD' = 6'A -f-6 (»'F—m'G)-\-b'(mF—nE) 
CD' = y' A —J— c (» jP — m' Cr) -J- c\m'F — nE) 
quibus aequationibus per d, b', y' multiplicatis, additio suppeditat: 
D D' = (a'a'+ b 'b'+ y y') A + m’{n'F—m'G) + n'{m'F—n'E) 

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