Full text: [Theoretischer astronomischer Nachlass] (7. Band)

loge 8,392 9518* 
log(P-f-a) 0,191 4900 
C. log(P-\-d) . . . 0,788 5463* 
logtangw 9,372 9881 unde o> = -f 13° 16' 5i;'89, co-f o = -f 13°40 / 5"01. 
log Q 8,547 7588 
loge ’ 2,690 7847 
log sinto 9,361 2147 
log Qcsinco .... 0,599 7582 
Aequationi Q c sin io sin z i — sin [z—13°40'5"0l) paucis tentaminibus factis sa 
tisfieri invenitur per valorem z = 14°35'4"90, unde fit logsin* = 9,401 0744, 
logr'= 0,325 1340. Aequatio illa praeter hanc solutionem tres alias admittit, 
* = 32° 2'28" 
z = 137 27 59 
z — 193 4 18. 
Tertiam reiicere oportet, quod sin z negativus evadit; secundam, quod z maior 
fit quam h'; prima respondet approximationi ad orbitam terrae, de qua in 
art. 142 loquuti sumus. 
Porro habemus secundum art. 143 
log^ 9,864 8551 
log(P-f-a) 0,191 4900 
C. log sin [z — a) 0,610 3578 
n n'r' 
iosr . . 
0,666 7029 
log P... . 
0,079 1018 
-i n'r' 
lo g“^ •• 
0,587 6011 
z + A'D — S' = z-j- 199°47' 1"51 
= 214° 22' 6"41; logsin.. 
. . 9,751 6736* 
z-j- A'D"— P = 2+ 188 54 32,94 = 203 29 37,84; logsin 9,600 5923„. 
Hinc fit logjo = 9,927 0735*, log^Z'= 0,022 6459*, ac dein log q = 0,293 0977*, 
log= 0,258 0086*, unde prodit

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