Metadata: Dioeceses Strassburgensis, Spirensis, Wormatiensis, Wirciburgensis, Bambergensis ([Germania], Vol. 3 = Provincia Maguntinensis, Pars 3)
Multivolume work
- Persistent identifier:
- 1876999144
- Title:
- Regesta pontificvm Romanorvm
- Type of content:
- Regest
- Year of publication:
- 1906
- Place of publication:
- Berolini
- Hannover
- Publisher of the original:
- Weidmann
- Identifier (digital):
- 1876999144
- Language:
- Latin
- Additional Notes:
- Vol. 4 ff: congerenda cur. Theodorvs Schieffer. Späterer Herausgeber Rudolf Hiestand. - Später wechselnde Herausgaber
- Publisher of the digital copy:
- Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB)
- Document type:
- Multivolume work
- Persistent identifier:
- 1876999608
- Title:
- Dioeceses Strassburgensis, Spirensis, Wormatiensis, Wirciburgensis, Bambergensis
- Scope:
- XXVI, 300 Seiten
- Type of content:
- Quelle
- Verzeichnis
- Edition title:
- Reimpressio phototypica [1935]
- DOI:
- 10.14463/KXP:1876999608
- Year of publication:
- 1960
- Place of publication:
- Berolini
- Publisher of the original:
- apud Weidmannos
- Identifier (digital):
- 1876999608
- Signature of the source:
- Hist 7241/46:3
- Language:
- Latin
- Additional Notes:
- Reprint von der Ausgabe von 1935 im Verlag Weidmann in Berlin
- Other Title:
- Germania pontificia sive repertorivm privilegiorvm et litterarvm a Romanis pontificibvs ante annum 1598 Germaniae ecclesiis monasteriis civitatibvs singvlisque personis concessorvm
- Usage licence:
- Public Domain Mark 1.0
- Publisher of the digital copy:
- Technische Informationsbibliothek Hannover
- Place of publication of the digital copy:
- Hannover
- Year of publication of the original:
- 2023
- Document type:
- Volume
- Collection:
- Homeland and regional geography
- History
- Title:
- Document type:
- Multivolume work
- Structure type:
- Chapter