Full text: Theoria motus corporum coelestium in sectionibus conicis solem ambientium (7. Band)

Quum calculus liic prorsus eodem modo tractandus sit, ut in hypothesi 
prima, praecipua eius momenta hic apposuisse sufficiet: 
to 13° 15' 38" 13 
co + a 13 38 5 1,25 
log’ Q c sin io. . . 0,5989389 
2 14 33 19,00 
log/ 0,3259918 
loff— 0,6675193 
log’ V ~ir 0,5 885 029 
C 203 16 38,16 
C" 210° 8' 24”9 8 
logr 0,3307676 
log' v 0,3222280 
\{u"-\-u) . . 205 22 15,58 
i-{u"—u) . . —3 14 4,79 
2/ 7 34 53,32 
2/ 3 29 0, 18 
2 f" 4 5 5 3,12 
Reductiones temporum propter aberrationem denuo computarefoperae haud 
pretium esset, vix enim l” ab iis quas in hypothesi prima eruimus^differunt. 
Calculi ulteriores praebent log*vj = 0,0002270, log"/]"= 0,0003173, unde 
log P = 0,0790167, A r = -j- 0,0000003 
logQ = 8,5476110, Y= -j- 0,0000 129 
Hinc patet, quanto adhuc magis exacta sit hypothesis secunda quam prima. 
Ne quidquam desiderandum relinquatur, adhuc tertiam hypothesin ex- 
truemus, ubi rursus valores ipsarum P\ Q' in hypothesi secunda erutos tam 
quam valores ipsarum P, Q adoptabimus. Statuendo itaque 
x — lo gP = 0,0 790167 
y — log Q — 8,54761 10 
praecipua calculi momenta haec inveniuntur: 
. 13° 15'38” 39 
210° 8' 25 65 
co —0 . . . . 
. 13 38 51,51 
logr. . 
. . . 
. . 0,33 07640 
log' Q c sii i to. 
. . 0,5989542 
logr" . 
. . . 
. . 0,3222239 
. 14 33 19,50 
u) . . 
205 22 14,57 
logr' . . . . 
. . 0,3259878 
a) . . 
—3 14 4,78 
1 n r 
loo- — ... 
& n 
2/ . . 
. 7 34 53,73 
i n'r' 
10 g„- • • • 
. . 0,5884987 
2/ . . 
. . . 
. 3 29 0,39 
203 16 3 8,4 1 
2f • . 
. 4 5 53, 34

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