Full text: From Thales to Euclid (Volume 1)

the problems is to find a certain relation called se-qet, 
literally ‘ that which makes the nature i. e. that which 
determines the proportions of the pyramid. The relation 
\ ukha-thebt 
In the case of the monument we have 
two other names for lines in the figure, (1) senti, ‘ foundation 
or base, (2) qay en hern, ‘ vertical length ’, or height; the 
■| senti 
same term se-qet is used for the relation . 
1 ' qay en heru 
the same inverted. Eisenlohr and Cantor took the lines 
(1) and (2) in the case of the pyramid to be different from 
the lines (1) and (2) called by different names in the monument. 
Suppose A BCD to be the square base of a pyramid, E its 
centre, R the vertex, and F the middle point of the side AD 
of the base. According to Eisenlohr and Cantor the ukha- 
thebt is the diagonal, say AC, of the base, and the pir-em-us 
is the edge, as AH. On this assumption the se-qet 
= cos HAE. 
In the case of the monument they took the senti to be the 
side of the base, as AB, the qay en heru to be the height of 
the pyramid EH, and the se-qet to be the ratio of EH to 
^AB or of EH to EF, i. e. the tangent of the angle HFE 
which is the slope of the faces of the pyramid. According 
to Eisenlohr and Cantor, therefore, the one term se-qet was 
used in two different senses, namely, in Nos. 56—9 for cos HAE 
and in No. 60 for tan HFE. Borchardt has, however, proved 
that the se-qet in all the cases has one meaning, and represents 
the cotangent of the slope of the faces of the pyramid, 
i. e. cot HFE or the ratio of FE to EH. There is no difficulty 
in the use of the different words ukha-thebt and senti to 
express the same thing, namely, the side of the base, and 
of the different words pel‘-em-us and qay en heru in the same 
sense of ‘ height ’; such synonyms are common in Egypt, and, 
moreover, the word mer used of the pyramids is different 
from the word an for the monument. Again, it is clear that, 
while the slope, the angle HFE, is what the builder would 
want to know, the cosine of the angle HAE, formed by the 
edge with the plane of the base, would be of no direct use

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