Full text: From Thales to Euclid (Volume 1)

Compounding the ratios, we have 
AG-.AB = {AM: ABf; 
therefore the cube of side AM is to the cube of side AB as AC 
is to AB. 
In the particular case where AG = 2 AB, AM ? ’= 2 AB ? ’, 
and the cube is doubled. 
(y) Eudoxus. 
Eutocius had evidently seen some document purporting to 
give Eudoxus’s solution, but it is clear that it must have 
been an erroneous version. The epigram of Eratosthenes 
says that Eudoxus solved the problem by means of lines 
of a ‘curved or bent form’ (KapiroXov eiSos tv ypap/xaLs). 
According to Eutocius, while Eudoxus said in his preface 
that he had discovered a solution by means of ‘ curved lines ’, 
yet, when he came to the proof, he made no use of such 
lines, and further he committed an obvious error in that he 
treated a certain discrete proportion as if it were continuous. 1 
It may be that, while Eudoxus made use of what was really 
a curvilinear locus, he did not actually draw the whole curve 
but only indicated a point or two upon it sufficient for his 
purpose. This may explain the first part of Eutocius’s remark, 
but in any case we cannot believe the second part ; Eudoxus 
was too accomplished a mathematician to make any confusion 
between a discrete and a continuous proportion. Presumably 
the mistake which Eutocius found was made by some one 
who wrongly transcribed the original ; but it cannot be too 
much regretted, because it caused Eutocius to omit the solution 
altogether from his account. 
Tannery 2 made an ingenious suggestion to the effect that 
Eudoxus’s construction was really adapted from that of 
Archytas by what is practically projection on the plane 
of the circle ABC in Archytas’s construction. It is not difficult 
to represent the projection on that plane of the curve of 
intersection between the cone and the tore, and, when this 
curve is drawn in the plane ABC, its intersection with the 
circle ABC itself gives the point M in Archytas’s figure. 
1 Archimedes, ed. Heib., vol. iii, p. 56. 4-8. 
2 Tannery, Mémoires scientifiques, vol. i, pp. 5B-61.

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