Full text: From Thales to Euclid (Volume 1)

so that P lies on a parabola which has 0 for vertex, OM for 
axis, and OB for latus rectum, 
(2) the similar relation AO . ON = OM 2, = PN 2 , 
so that P lies on a parabola which has 0 for vertex, ON for 
axis, and OA for latus rectum. 
In order therefore to find P, we have only to construct the 
two parabolas with OM, ON for axes and OB, OA for latera 
recta respectively ; the intersection of the two parabolas gives 
a point P such that 
AO.PN = PN: PM = PM: OB, 
and the problem is solved. 
(We shall see later on that Menaechmus did not use the 
names parabola and hyperbola to describe the curves, those 
names being due to Apollonius.) 
(e) The solution attributed to Plato. 
This is the first in Eutocius’s arrangement of the various 
solutions reproduced by him. But there is almost conclusive 
reason for thinking that it is wrongly attributed to Plato. 
No one but Eutocius mentions it, and there is no reference to 
it in Eratosthenes’s epigram, whereas, if a solution by Plato 
had then been known, it could hardly fail to have been 
mentioned along with those of Archytas, Menaechmus, and 
Eudoxus. Again, Plutarch says that Plato told the Delians 
that the problem of the two mean proportionals was no easy 
one, but that Eudoxus or Helicon of Cyzicus would solve it 
for them; he did not apparently propose to attack it himself. 
And, lastly, the solution attributed to him is mechanical, 
whereas we are twice told that Plato objected to mechanical 
solutions as destroying the good of geometry. 1 Attempts 
have been made to reconcile the contrary traditions. It is 
argued that, while Plato objected to mechanical solutions on 
principle, he wished to show how easy it was to discover 
such solutions and put forward that attributed to him as an 
illustration of the fact. I prefer to treat the silence of 
Eratosthenes as conclusive on the point, and to suppose that 
the solution was invented in the Academy by some one con 
temporary with or later than Menaechmus. 
1 Plutarch, Quaest. Conviv. 8. 2. l,p. 718 e,f; Vita Marcelli, c. 14.5.

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