Full text: From Thales to Euclid (Volume 1)

be both great and small, so great on the one hand as to be 
infinite in size and so small on tho other as to have no size. 1 
To prove the latter of these contentions, Zeno relied on the 
infinite divisibility of bodies as evident; assuming this, he 
easily proved that division will continually give smaller and 
smaller parts, there will be no limit to the diminution, and, if 
there is a final element, it must be absolutely nothing. Conse 
quently to add any number of these ^-elements to anything 
will not increase its size, nor will the subtraction of them 
diminish it; and of course to add them to one another, even 
in infinite number, will give nothing as the total. (The 
second horn of the dilemma, not apparently stated by Zeno 
in this form, would be this. A critic might argue that infinite 
division would only lead to parts having some size, so that the 
last element would itself have some size; to this the answer 
would be that, as there would, by hypothesis, be an infinite 
number of such parts, the original magnitude which was 
divided would be infinite in size.) The connexion between 
the arguments against the Many and those against motion 
lies in the fact that the former rest on the assumption of 
the divisibility of matter ad infinitum, and that this is the 
hypothesis assumed in the first two arguments against motion. 
We shall see that, while the first two arguments proceed on 
this hypothesis, the last two appear to proceed on the opposite 
hypothesis that space and time are not infinitely divisible, but 
that they are composed of indivisible elements; so that the 
four arguments form a complete dilemma. 
The four arguments against motion shall be stated in the 
words of Aristotle. 
I. The Dichotomy. 
‘ There is no motion because that which is moved must 
arrive at the middle (of its course) before it arrives at the 
end.’ 2 (And of course it must traverse the half of the half 
before it reaches the middle, and so on ad infinitum.) 
II. The Achilles. 
‘This asserts that the slower when running will never be 
1 Simpl. in Phys., p. 139. 5, Diels. 
2 Aristotle, Phys. vi. 9, 239 b 11. 
T 2

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