Full text: From Thales to Euclid (Volume 1)

business of the cylinders of Archytas or the cutting of the 
cone in the three curves of Menaechmus It would therefore 
be quite possible for Plato to regard Archytas and Menaechmus 
as having given constructions that were ultra-mechanical, since 
they were more mechanical than the ordinary constructions by 
means of the straight line and circle; and even the latter, which 
alone are required for the processes of ‘ squaring ’, ‘ applying 
(a rectangle) ’ and ‘ adding ’, are according to Plato no part of 
theoretic geometry. This banning even .of simple constructions 
from true geometry seems, incidentally, to make it impossible 
to accept the conjecture of Hankel that we owe to Plato the 
limitation, so important in its effect on the later development 
of geometry, of the instruments allowable in constructions to 
the ruler and compasses. 1 Indeed, there are signs that the 
limitation began before Plato’s time (e. g. this may be the 
explanation of the two constructions attributed to Oenopides), 
although no doubt Plato’s influence would help to keep the 
restriction in force; for other instruments, and the use of 
curves of higher order than circles in constructions, were 
expressly barred in any case where the ruler and compasses 
could be made to serve (cf. Pappus’s animadversion on a solu 
tion of a ‘ plane ’ problem by means of conics in Apollonius’s 
Conics, Book Y). 
Contributions to the philosophy of mathematics. 
We find in Plato’s dialogues what appears to be the first 
serious attempt at a philosophy of mathematics. Aristotle 
says that between sensible objects and the ideas Plato placed 
‘things mathematical’ (ra ¡ia6r¡\xaTLKa), which differed from 
sensibles in being eternal and unmoved, but differed again 
from the ideas in that there can be many mathematical 
objects of the same kind, while the idea is one only; e. g. the 
idea of triangle is one, but there may be any number of 
mathematical triangles as of visible triangles, namely the 
perfect triangles of which the visible triangles are imper 
fect copies. A passage in one of the Letters (No. 7, to the 
friends of Dion) is interesting in this connexion. 2 Speaking 
of a circle by way of example, Plato says there is (1) some- 
1 Hankel, op. cit., p. 156. 
2 Plato, Letters, 842 b, c, 848 A, B.

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