Full text: From Thales to Euclid (Volume 1)

Xenocrates of Chalcedon. (396-314 b. c.), who succeeded 
Speusippus as head of the school, having been elected by 
a majority of only a few votes over Heraclides, is also said 
to have written a book O n Numbers and a Theory of Numbers, 
besides books on geometry. 1 These' books have not survived, 
but we learn that Xenocrates upheld the Platonic tradition in 
requiring of those who would enter the school a knowledge of 
music, geometry and astronomy; to one who was not pro 
ficient in these things he said ‘ Go thy way, for thou hast not 
the means of getting a grip of philosophy’. Plutarch says 
that he put at 1,002,000,000,000 the number of syllables which 
could be formed out of the letters of the alphabet. 1 2 If the 
story is true, it represents the first attempt on record to solve 
a difficult problem in permutations and combinations. Xeno 
crates was a supporter of ‘ indivisible lines ’(and magnitudes) 
by which he thought to get over the paradoxical arguments 
of Zeno. 3 
The Elements. Proclus’s summary [continued). 
In geometry we have more names mentioned in the sum 
mary of Proclus. 4 
‘ Younger than Leodamas were Neoclides and his pupil Leon, 
who added many things to what was known before their 
time, so that Leon was actually able to make a collection 
of the elements more carefully designed in respect both of 
the number of propositions proved and of their utility, besides 
which he invented diorismi (the object of which is to deter 
mine) when the problem under investigation is possible of 
solution and when impossible,’ 
Of Neoclides and Leon we know nothing more than what 
is here stated; but the definite recognition of the Siopuryos, 
that is, of the necessity of finding, as a preliminary to the 
solution of a problem, the conditions for the possibility of 
a solution, represents an advance in the philosophy and 
technology of mathematics. Not that* the thing itself had 
not been met with before: there is, as we have seen, a 
1 Diog. L. iv. 13, 14. 
2 Plutarch, Quaest. Conviv. viii. 9. 18, 733 A. 
3 Simpl. in Phys., p. 138. 3, &c. 
4 Proclus on Eucl. I, p. 66. 18-67. 1.

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