Full text: From Thales to Euclid (Volume 1)

Aristotle’s denial of even the potential existence of a sum 
of magnitudes which shall exceed every definite magnitude 
was, as he himself implies, inconsistent with the lemma or 
assumption used by Eudoxus in his method of exhaustion. 
We can, therefore, well understand why, a century later, 
Archimedes felt it necessary to justify his own use of the 
lemma : 
e the earlier geometers too have used this lemma : for it is by 
its help that they have proved that circles have to one another 
the duplicate ratio of their diameters, that spheres have to 
one another the triplicate ratio of their diameters,, and so on. 
And, in the result, each of the said theorems has been accepted 
no less than those proved without the aid of this lemma.’ 1 
(¿j Mechanics. 
An account of the mathematics in Aristotle would be incom 
plete without a reference to his ideas in mechanics, where he 
laid down principles which, even though partly erroneous, 
held their ground till the time of Benedetti (1530-90) and 
Galilei (1564-1642). The Mechanica included in the Aris- 
tQtelian writings is not indeed Aristotle’s own work, but it is 
very close in date, as we may conclude from its terminology ; 
this shows more general agreement with the terminology of 
Euclid than is found in Aristotle’s own writings, but certain 
divergences from Euclid’s terms are common to the latter and 
to the Mechanica ; the conclusion from which is that the 
Mechanica was written before Euclid had made the termino- 
logy of mathematics more uniform and convenient, or, in the 
alternative, that it was composed after Euclid’s time by persons 
who, though they had partly assimilated Euclid’s terminology, 
were close enough to Aristotle’s date to be still influenced 
by his usage. But the Aristotelian origin of many of the 
ideas in the Mechanica is proved by their occurrence in 
Aristotle’s genuine writings. Take, for example, the principle 
of the lever. In the Mechanica we are told that, 
, ‘ as the weight moved is to the moving weight, so is the 
length (or distance) to the length inversely. In fact the mov 
ing weight will more easily move (the system) the farther it 
is away from the fulcrum. The reason is that aforesaid, 
1 Archimedes, Quadrature of a Parabola, Preface.

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