it appeared, is and will doubtless remain the greatest mathe
matical text-book of all time. Scarcely any other book
except the Bible can have circulated more widely the world
over, or been more edited and studied. Even in Greek times
the most accomplished mathematicians occupied themselves
with it; Heron, Pappus, Porphyry, Proclus and Simplicius
wrote commentaries; Theon of Alexandria re-edited it, alter
ing the language here and there, mostly with a view to
greater clearness and consistency, and interpolating inter
mediate steps, alternative proofs, separate ‘cases’, porisrns
(corollaries) and lemmas (the most important addition being
the second part of VI. 33 relating to sectors). Even the great
Apollonius was moved by Euclid's work to discuss the first
principles of geometry; his treatise on the subject was in
fact a criticism of Euclid, and none too successful at that;
some alternative definitions given by him have point, but his
alternative solutions of some of the easy problems in Book I
do not constitute any improvement, and his attempt to prove
the axioms (if one may judge by the case quoted by Proclus,
that of Axiom 1) was thoroughly misconceived.
Apart from systematic commentaries on the whole work or
substantial parts of it, there were already in ancient times
discussions and controversies on special subjects dealt with by
Euclid, and particularly his theory of parallels. The fifth
Postulate was a great stumbling-block. We know from
Aristotle that up to his time the theory of parallels had not
been put on a scientific basis 1 : there was apparently some
petitio principii lurking in it. It seems therefore clear that
Euclid was the first to apply the bold remedy of laying down
the indispensable principle of the theory in the form of an
indemonstrable Postulate. But geometers were not satisfied
with this solution. Posidonius and Geminus tried to get
over the difficulty by substituting an equidistance theory of
parallels. Ptolemy actually tried to prove Euclid’s postulate,
as also did Proclus, and (according to Simplicius) one Diodorus,
as well as ‘ Aganis ’; the attempt of Ptolemy is given by
Proclus along with his own, while that of ‘ Aganis ’ is repro
duced from Simplicius by the Arabian commentator an-
1 Anal. Prior, ii. 16. 65 a 4.