Of the Common Notions there is good reason to believe
that only five (at the most) are genuine, the first three and
two others, namely ‘ Things which coincide when applied to
one another are equal to one another ’ (4), and ‘ The whole
is greater than the part ’ (5). The objection to (4) is that
it is incontestably geometrical, and therefore, on Aristotle’s
principles, should not be classed as an * axiom ’; it is a more
or less sufficient definition of geometrical equality, but not
a real axiom. Euclid evidently disliked the method of super
position for proving equality, no doubt because it assumes the
possibility of motion without deformation. But he could not
dispense with it altogether. Thus in I. 4 he practically had
to choose between using the method and assuming the whole
proposition as a postulate. But he does not there quote
Common Notion 4; he says ‘ the base BG will coincide with
the base EF and will be equal to it’. Similarly in I. 6 he
does not quote Common Notion 5, but says ‘the triangle
DBG will be equal to the triangle A CB, the less to the greater,
which is absurd ’. It seems probable, therefore, that even
these two Common Notions, though apparently recognized
by Proclus, were generalizations from particular inferences
found in Euclid and were inserted after his time.
The propositions of Book I fall into three distinct groups.
The first group consists of Propositions 1-26, dealing mainly
with triangles (without the use of parallels) but also with
perpendiculars (11, 12), two intersecting straight lines (15),
and one straight line standing on another but not cutting it,
and making ‘adjacent’ or supplementary angles (13, 14).
Proposition 1 gives the construction of an equilateral triangle
on a given straight line* as base; this is placed here not so
much on its own account as because it is at once required for
constructions (in 2, 9, 10, 11). The construction in 2 is a
direct continuation of the minimum constructions assumed
in Postulates 1-3, and enables us (as the Postulates do not) to
transfer a given length of straight line from one place to
another; it leads in 3 to the operation so often required of
cutting off* from one given straight line a length equal to
another. 9 and 10 are the problems of bisecting a given angle
and a given straight line respectively, and 11 shows how
to erect a perpendicular to a given straight line from a given