But, by the propositions proved above,
GK _ sin GE GL _ sin OF q DT _ sin DR
KA ~ slh^T LD ~ sпГDZ} , and TA = ABBA ’
therefore, by substitution, we have
sin CE _ sin OF sin JDB
sin EA sin FD sin BA
Menelaus apparently also gave the proof for the .cases in
which AD, GB meet towards A, 0, and in which AD, GB are
parallel respectively, and also proved that in like manner, in
the above figure,
sin CA _ sin CD sin FB
sin AD sinDD sin BE
(the triangle cut by the transversal being here GFE instead of
ADC). Ptolemy 1 gives the proof of the above case only, and
dismisses the last-mentioned result with a ‘ similarly
(/3) Deductions from Menelaus's Theorem.
III. 2 proves, by means of I. 14, 10 and III. 1, that, if ABC,
A'B'G' be two spherical triangles in which A = A', and G, G'
are either equal or supplementary, sin c/ sin a = sin e'/sin o!
and conversely. The particular case in which G, G' are right
angles gives what was afterwards known as the ‘ regula
quattuor quantitatum ’ and was fundamental in Arabian
trigonometry. 2 A similar association attaches to the result of
III. 3, which is the so-called ‘ tangent 5 or ‘ shadow-rule ’ of the
Arabs. If ABG, A'B'G' be triangles right-angled at A, A', and
G, G' are equal and both either > or < 90°, and if P, P' be
the poles of AG, A'C', then
sin AB __ sin A'B' sin BP
sin AG sin A'C' sin B'P'
Apply the triangles so that C' falls on G, G'B' on GB as CE,
and G'A' on GA as CD; then the result follows directly from
III. 1. Since sin BP = cos AB, and sin B'P' = cos A'B', the
result becomes
sin GA tan AB
sin G'A' = tan A'B' 3
, which is the ‘ tangent-rule ’ of the Arabs. 3
1 Ptolemy, Syntaxis, i. 18, vol. i, p. 76.
2 See Braunmiihl, Gesch. cler Trig, i, pp. 17, 47, 58-60, 127-9.
3 Cf. Braunnuihl, op. cit. i, pp. 17-18, 58, 67-9, &c.